This is for Mr.Takanobu Ito

14 November 2003
At the epicenter of the Zombie Apocalypse
Dear Mr. Ito,
I need to have a private meeting with you to offer my consulting services. I fear that your company is on the wrong path and I believe I know how to circumvent this potential disaster. During my nearly two decade long career on Wall Street, I have consulted with Fortune 100 companies. As much as I'd love to tell you which ones, confidentiality agreements prevent me from doing so. My fee would be inconsequential compared to what I believe you will gain by following my advice. It is my passion for Honda's products that has prompted me to make this offer to you. Therefore should you decide to take the time to meet with me and dismiss my ideas, I will not accept a fee.

I'm not interested in dealing with any of your subordinates. When I have something important to say, I find it best to say it to the person in charge of an organization. I know this is a bold request Mr. Ito so I will leave you with "Audentes Fortuna Juvat".

Respectfully yours,
Hugh Blue Signature 500x227.gif
Hugh: This would have been much more impressive! [Courtesy of Google translate] :cool:


私はあなたの部下のいずれかに対処する上で興味がありません。私が言うべき重要な何かを持っているとき、私はそれが最高の組織の責任者にそれを言うために見つける。私は、これは伊藤さんがそう、私は「 AudentesフォルトゥナJuvat "であなたを残して大胆な要求であることを知っている。
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Hugh: This would have been much more impressive! [Courtesy of Google translate]

Thank you Irv but I don't think so. Did you try translating that back to English? It reads like the owner's manual from something you bought from As Seen On TV. I'm sure Mr. Ito's language skills will suffice.
Thank you Irv but I don't think so. Did you try translating that back to English? It reads like the owner's manual from something you bought from As Seen On TV. I'm sure Mr. Ito's language skills will suffice.

Yep, agree 100%. Relying on Google translate is not a good idea at all, it murks the contents as well as the tone of the message as well as ignoring cultural customs and practices.

A very simple example, getting someone's last name in Kanji wrong is a no-no in the Japanese culture. Mr. Ito's last name is not written as: 伊藤, it is: 伊東.

Anyways, guess some folks are not used to working across multiple cultures/languages.
you'd make yourself a fool using google translate for actual or real translation for purposes of business. This is especially true in its japan<>english version. its been on beta at best.