Thinking of purchasing 2002 NSX..HELP!

30 September 2004
Hello all,

I'm a newbie to the forum - I come from BMW land, with 7 of those under my belt. My most recent was '01 M3 (E46) that I'm the process of selling - the buyer is picking it up this week.

I thought I wanted a new M3 and was ready to order an '05 - up until a friend of mine told me of a 2002 NSX for sale. I went and looked at it and fell in love. I'm now obsessed with the car, but trying to get a bit of input from some members here.

First off, I loved my M3 - which is why I was going to buy a new one. (my old one was Carbon Black and a pain to keep clean, so I was going to get a silver '05, and I wanted to try SMG, those are the only real reasons I was selling my '01). The M3 was somewhat practical in that I had 2 backseats, complete maintenance coverage, and it's not really an "exotic" - I also had an incentive to buy since I would be getting a helluva deal (my friend is the sales manager at a local dealer)

On to the NSX - I found this 2002 for $62000 - it's Red w/Red Leather, 10k miles, 6 spd, completely checks out, still under Factory Warranty thru 2007. With the M3, I had some practicality, with this car, I'll have none (i.e. no back seats, etc). I have a Grand Cherokee I drive every day - friends say, "stop being a PUSXX, go for the NSX" others say "you loved your M3, why are you going to complicate your life with an exotic car that has a small market?" I loved my M3, but I also loved the NSX, I felt like it fit me perfect - handling, performance, etc. But I'm just concerned about (A) Maintenance, and (B) Value - they're saying next year a new NSX is coming out, I think I'm getting a good deal on this car, but is there going to be a market for used "old" NSX? I'm confused..

I need some advice - '05 M3 vs '02 NSX - there priced practically the same, so money isn't an issue. I know I'm on the NSX boards - but really.. can anyone give me an honest, unbiased reason NOT to go for the NSX?

Sorry if I came off like a whiny 12yr old kid, but opinions, anyone?

I can give you 2 reasons to go with the NSX. I do not own one but my dad does and it is awesome to drive. A. Maintenance there is none. Not none but little if any. Oil changes and that sort of thing since it is only an 02. Value. B. Value. It holds its value better than any exotic on the market. These cars just do not break. They are almost invincable. Drive them to death and it keeps on ticking. Try that with a Ferarri. ;)

M3's are nice but they are a dime a dozen and all over the roads. NSX's are rare and I have seen 12 iin my life tims on the road. If you want to spend that much $$$ and want an exotic and want to be noticed, the NSX is the best way to go. Value, reliablilty, good looks, performance, and did I mention they are a ball to drive.

Go with the NSX. :D
Ive driven the M3 and it is an amazing car. But it was just that, a car. Nice as it was it just paled in comparison to my NSX. Since you have another sensable car to drive around on a daily basis, you are obviously looking for a weekend toy. Go for the NSX. If you decide you want a M3 later then you could sell the NSX for close to what you paid. The NSX is more than a car, its an adventure!!!! :D