Thinking of moving after winter

15 November 2006
New Orleans
What's up everyone. I'm from NJ and want to move after this winter... I thought about moving to Florida but summer down there is hot. I'm thinking of maybe Maine.

When I was younger my family would travel up to Maine and New Hampshire every year. My parents still do but I haven't been up there for about 10 years or more.

Anyways, anyone from Maine that has an extra bedroom they'd rent out for a bit? Maybe from like April until September or something? I dunno. This is a shot in the dock but I figure hey, why not. I'm almost 25 and have lived no wheres but New Jersey and PA.


Good luck in your adventures. Are you all done with college?

My memories of Maine include camping there as a teenager and seeing mosquitos large enough to require numbers on the wings.:eek:

Of course in the winter, your NSX gets parked in the garage behind the snowmobile.:biggrin:

If I were young and had no ties, I would move west. Maybe California (SF area), Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, or something like that.
If I were young and had no ties, I would move west. Maybe California (SF area), Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, or something like that.

I agree. Why do you want to go from one cold climate to another? You are 25, why do you want to hang out with geezers in maine? to watch moose walk around? Florida is warm but it's a different country than Jersey as far as the type of people. Northern CA is awesome if you can get yourself there. Cooler than the south, very clean and most of the urban areas are full of culture like parts of the Northeast. Take a trip there and you will see.

Dude... you are 25... take it from me... your youth isn't going to always be there. The world is your place. Look for a good job in a cool city with good weather, you will make great friends there, learn the social scene better, have fun for the next 5 years. There is plenty of time to live in Maine later in life. If you like nature, CA has plenty of it too and you can be in it year round.
To some extent I agree with those suggesting warmer climate geographies, but there is , IMO, a lot of redeeming qualities to New England (despite the shitty winters :eek:)... especially NH (vs. Maine). Not to mention proximity to your family (which may ne most important of all!!)

Anyway, with regard to the West (I've live all over the country, including, CA, CO, AZ, IL, IA, PA, GA, NH, and MA) and while I enjoyed all of them for one reason to many, if I had to pick a place to go back to live it wouldn't be CA (to many people and issues), I'd pick CO for it's four seasons, 300 days of sunshine, great roads, great scenery, nice people, and lots to do!!! But that's just me :smile:

Good luck with your decision.
