Things to do in Portland vacinity..?

12 May 2000
Redmond, WA
I am planning on taking my wife on a day trip to the Portland vicinity in the next month or so when the weather gets a bit warmer and sunnier. We’ve been to Jantzen Beach area a ton of times and to Lloyd Center a bunch of times and a couple of bed & breakfasts in and near Portland, but wanted to check with you guys who are a bit more familiar with the Portland area to see what other things there are to do in the Portland vicinity. We usually go there for shopping since purchases are tax-free but wanted to do something more than just shopping.

We’d leave the seattle area on a Saturday around 7’ish and get to the Portland area around 10-10:30’ish and leave Portland around 6’ish. That gives us a good 7 hours to check out what Portland has to offer.

Some of the things I have in mind are:
Multnomah Falls
Oregon Zoo
Portland Classical Chinese Garden
Portland Saturday Market – not sure about parking there w/ my NSX

Newport Aquarium (isn’t that about another 2hr drive from Portland?)
Some recommendations on places to eat would be nice. Nothing fancy or crowded, something casual and informal.

Of course, if the weather is exceptionally good, I might consider doing the coast drive along highway 101.

Any suggestions or additional info would be greatly appreciated?

[This message has been edited by johndoh (edited 12 March 2002).]
You can try one of the Doubletree Inn's along the riverfront for nice food.

Also, you could try OMSI, they always have interesting stuff. I think their current display is on Brains or something...Always a surprise when it comes to OMSI displays.
(Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

You could come visit my new house (hopefully I'll have it by then)

Or...You could try Clackamas Town center if your into the Mall thing still. Or maybe the Nike store downtown...

Newport Bay is about 1.5 hours away I think...Can't remember as I haven't been there in a long while. They have an Aquatic Museum AND a "Ripley's believe it or Not" Museum..and a wax museum of some sort there too...not to mention the restaurant with the Best Clam Chowder in the NW According to the Oregonian Newspaper.

You can go to the Tillamook Cheese factory if you want to go another hour or so towards the coast..and also hit 101 at the same time..

And a bunch of other stuff I can't think of...
Hope this gives you some idea's...