@&$*# Thieves!

14 August 2003
Toronto, Canada
So I go outside yesterday morning to take my kid to school and notice that my 2004 MDX is missing from the driveway! Never expected that to happen here because I live in a very safe neighbourhood but I'm guessing these were pros who flatbedded it right out as I never heard the alarm go off. Both sets of keys were in the house and there was no broken glass etc. (It was definitely locked/alarm set).

I always keep my NSX in a locked garage, and I had been considering getting a Boomerang2 tracking device for it, and now this incident has made it a no-brainer. I'm really upset about the MDX because it was our family car and had 3 car seats etc so we're stranded right now until we get the car seats replaced, but I think I would have been even more pissed if it had been the NSX because of all of the money that's been put into the car recently.

I'm sure I would have gotten screwed on the NSX by insurance. In the MDX case it was a leased vehicle, so my understanding is that if the vehicle isn't recovered, there will be a settlement between my insurance company and Honda finance and I will have no financial penalty. I can then go ahead and lease another 04 or 05 MDX and be on my merry way. Of course, I still have to pay the various deductibles (house insurance for contents, and I think now they charge a deductible for stolen vehicles too!), as well as topping up my rental coverage since I'm only covered for $35/day and I need a van or SUV to get all the kids in. Just such a hassle and inconvenience.. :mad:

Anyone else have their car stolen (particularly a leased vehicle?). Anything I should be aware of? I've already filed the police report, talked to insurance, cancelled my electronic toll transponder, etc.
Hey man. I sorry to hear what happened to you. I wish you the best of luck in recovering from this. It's scary to think that your car could be stolen so silently right from under your nose!

Do you live in a neighborhood situation or out in the boonies with no close neighbors? (I'm just trying to assess my own risk...I keep my Jag. on the driveway)
The only other thing you should be checking is if you have gap insurance as part of the lease agreement. Gap insurance covers when value the insurance company pays out on the car is less than what is owed on the vehicle. Or else you could end up still paying for a car you don't have
I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope you can recover the vehicle, if only for the personal items you may have inside. I wish I could give you some info on the lease issue, but the only thing I can say is to ask an attourney. I hope things work out for you, and I'm glad no one was hurt.
GAP is standard on all lease contracts and should cover you for your deductible as well. So now it is just the hassle and replacing the car seats. :mad:
Yeah the main thing is it's just a car, and nobody got hurt. Unlike the NSX, I also didn't have any particular attachment to it or anything. Right now it's primarily just the inconvenience and hassle. I spent all day today getting together a detailed list of the vehicle contents and going to all kinds of stores trying to find the 'right' carseats (my wife has researched this stuff thoroughly and is VERY particular about the specific models). I'm pooped! We've got two of the three, and now I've tracked down the third one as well -- it's just a matter of picking it up tomorrow.

I gotta admit though, the rental replacement I got (GMC Yukon) *SUCKS*! There is absolutely no comparison between it and the MDX. It's a gargantuan SUV but the usable interior space is less than the MDX!! It rides like a truck, and everything is extremely "cheap" inside. It's a very disappointing vehicle... I can't think of a single positive thing to say about it. Even with the big V8, it doesn't feel like it accelerates as quickly or smoothly as the MDXs lowly V6 VTEC.

Sorry to hear about your MDX. Be glad it wasn't taken under different circumstances and your family is safe.

I had my Mustang stolen once (1993) the police found it and I did get it back. But it wasn't the same and I was always paranoid about what could've been done with the car while it was missing. I traded it in 3 weeks after they found it. I don't think you'll want the MDX back...

I'm sure you will have no worries about the insurance covering the value of the car with Honda/Acura Finace.

Regarding the Boomerang2 Tracking, I have it on my NSX, I had a few problems this spring with the tracking team calling 2-3 times but that was due to the fact I let the battery drain and then boosted it and took it out for drive without telling them.

It does give some piece of mind though...
I can feel your pain. Some of my cars have been stolen over the years and you really feel violated by such a circumstance. I never got them back either. But, even worse, when I was 12 years old two people broke into my home and stole two of our cars from the garage, and attempted to steal three from our detached garage (one of which was 365GT). But, the real scary part was that they were in the house while we were all sleeping upstairs. They guys ended up getting caught when they both crashed into a wall infront of a friehouse while being chased by the cops who saw them run a red light, they didn't know the cars were stolen at the time. When questioned the two idiots each said they were my father and one of them was even missing a thumb. Nice!

Anyway back to being on topic. Luckily you and your family weren't harmed and it's only a car.

Luckily you and your family weren't harmed and it's only a car.

You're right Doc, luckily it was just the car and they didn't break into the house like in your situation. That would have been terrifying with the kids sleeping in their own rooms!

I think this is a perfect excuse to get an Infiniti FX45

Too small for us, since it's our family car (3 kids, strollers, etc). Plus, I must be the only person around who doesn't really like that car for some reason, although it's starting to grow on me. In all likelihood, if they don't recover the MDX, we'll just get another one. The new 05's come out mid-October, so maybe we'll do that.