These #$#@$% need firecrackers up their wazoo!!!

MsKadyB said:
I can't even find the words right now because that makes me so mad! :mad:
Same - speechless - how can anyone conceive of this as "fun"
Those Bast@rds....

As a dog owner for most of my life, I love almost all kinds of animals, and the action taken by those XXXXXX's makes me furious...

Makes me wonder,
How cruel can a human be??

Hope they go to hell pretty soon.
This is one of the reasons why firecrackers are banned for public purchase in Australia. :( There are always a few idiots that spoil it for everyone.
Hope they are caught and firecrackers are dropped down their jocks as punishment. :mad:
The capacity for evil in humans is mind-boggling. It puzzles me how someone can be so sadistic every time I hear about one of these stories.

There was an incident here in the Dallas area not too long ago, where someone abducted a dachshund-mix (I think) from someone's porch, and poked both of his eyes out. The dog made it back to his house, and after some surgery, survived.

Makes my blood boil. I'm not sure I would be able to avoid jail time if I ever came across someone abusing an animal.