The Zanardi NSX is to be re-introduced as the New NSX!

3 September 2002
West Vancouver, BC
According to a picture in today's (Friday, August 15th) The Vancouver Sun, Acura's new 'Advanced Sports Car Concept' is going to look just like the 1999 Zanardi edition. Awesome!
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The NSX still looks so good I'll bet lots of people reading that thought that actually was the ASCC.

I remember they had a Silverstone 2005 NSX at the 2005 San Diego auto show on a prime, center rotating display and half the people walking by thought it was Acura's "new" car. :biggrin:
Zanardis are all '99s, not '98s.
I hope we all make to 2010 or 2011 to see the new Acura. The world is supposed to end Dec 12 thru 21 2012. not quit sure which day it is.:confused: ?according to the mayan calender. :eek::mad::frown::biggrin:
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Also noticed the author states the original NSX was "rear engined"...:rolleyes:

You'd think someone writing about cars in a major newspaper would be a little more knowledgable than that.
Wacky Canadians:biggrin:Too much alcohol in their beer:biggrin:
Blame canada! :wink: :biggrin:

Those wacky Canadians. Sinbad's take on em. :wink::tongue::biggrin:

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Well, meaning it's a V10 doesn't necessarily mean also that is must be a BIG engine. Perhaps Honda was able to do some magic and come up with a 1.5L V10 :smile:

They did just that with their Honda RA272 F1 car in 1965, except it was a V-12.