The value of NSX Prime! (Knee Bolster removal)

5 September 2007
Edmonton, AB, CANADA
As everyone knows this site has a lot of value.

When needing to remove my knee bolster because the glue had let go, I went looking where else NSX Prime Search.
Well I found several threads:

I spent an hour reading the pain and suffering that others have experience and documented. What processes worked, and what didn't.
Using these experiences and the service manual. It took me less than 10 minutes to remove the bolster pad, where others had spent days and sometimes breaking parts of the plastic assembly.

Thanks to all who detailed their work, others who shared their pain.

I went to school on all of you.
My knee bolster looks new again.

PS>> the fabric used by Acura is of such a high quality that over the last 16 years, this fabric had no tears or any sign of wear and tear as big footed people like myself fold into the drivers cock pit.
So which method did you use? I need to pull mine out too and I'd really like to know how you did it in 10 minutes.
I removed the two bottom screws of the plastic piece below the bolster pad, then the two lower screws of the bolster pad itself.
I then just pulled with very steady presure on the left side. With some back and forth movement, (very little) the left side started to come and then just let go. I then proceeded to the right side in the very same manner. I would not use a screwdriver or putty knife. Just pull straight out. The clips are a friction fit and have been there for 16 years. The back and forth movement allows these clips to wiggle their way out of their socket.

Good luck. Don't get frustrated, take your time.
Done. Not as quick or easy as I had hoped. The left side came free fairly quickly but the right side was a real bitch......I had to walk away several times. Patience and perseverence paid off, however, and now I'm a happy camper. Thanks for your help.