The ultimate track car


Registered Member
25 October 2003
From The Ferrari Owners' Site:

Every year, a small number of Ferrari’s more recent single-seaters are offered to selected collectors. The F1 Clienti division prepares these cars for sale and details of the cars available will be published in this section.

There are three cars currently available from F1 Clienti: an F399 (chassis no. 196), an F1-2000 (chassis no. 202) and an F2001 (chassis no. 215).

All those who are interested in being contacted regarding the purchase of one of these exclusive racing cars are kindly requested to complete the form and send it to us.

The F399 is the model that brought the team home the Constructors’ World Championship title for the first time in 16 years. The season’s drivers were Michael Schumacher, Eddie Irvine and Mika Salo, who substituted the German driver for six races after his accident at Silverstone.

The F399 was equipped with a power unit that was lighter than the outgoing F300’s, better aerodynamics and a third front shock absorber to control roll.

Chassis number 196 raced in three Grands Prix, and was driven by Irvine to victory in Malaysia and 7th at the Nürburgring, while Salo drove the same car to third at Monza.

In 2000 the Prancing Horse pulled off the double, taking the Constructors’ title for the second year and the Drivers’ title for the first time in 21 years. Driven by Michael Schumacher and Rubens Barrichello, the F1-2000 won 10 consecutive races and took the same number of pole positions.

The car differed substantially from the F399 for its high nose cone and lower centre of gravity. The engine was also redesigned with a 90° vee angle which reduced its overall height.

Chassis number 202 was driven exclusively by Barrichello who took points in no less than seven races. This was, in fact, the car that Rubens drove to his first memorable victory in F1 at Hockenheim, when he drove magnificently from 18th on the grid. Other significant finishes were two second places in Canada and at Montecarlo, and two third places in Austria and in France.

As can be seen from the model designation, the F2001 was fielded in 2001 and brought Ferrari both titles again. Over the winter the F2001 was further developed and was successfully fielded in the first three races of 2002.

The model available is, in fact, the ‘B’ version (chassis no. 215) used in 2002 and was driven by Michael Schumacher to victory in Australia and to third place in Malaysia.


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Anybody care to guess what these suckers go for? Needless to say they didn't do anything so crass as to list prices.
I'll take the two on the far left! :D
Maybe we can get a pakage deal. :p
My guess 1.5 to 3 million each? :eek: