The Perfect Website - Tell me more!

15 November 2007
Honolulu, HI
So I'm putting together a website for someone in the performance auto industry and I'd like to get input from the NSX world please. Thanks a ton!!!

1. What's your top 1 to 3 websites and/or performance companies you buy from and why?

2. Do you normally complete your order online without assistance or do you normally call/email a sales guy at the vendor for your orders?

3. What's the 3-5 most important factors that influence your decision on where to buy performance products from?

4. Which websites do you find the easiest to navigate and buy from?

5. What's the top 3 to 5 things you wish all performance websites had?

Thanks for you input everyone!!
Items "in stock". For me, I'm the impulse buyer. If I see it in stock and really want it, I don't take the time to ponder over it. I buy it. If it's not in stock, I have time to talk myself out of it. Items being out of stock has saved me many $$.