The Pay-for-Speed Candidate

Gotta hand it to the guy for using his head to think outside of the box. Most folks in the government aren't a fan of this - it breeds creativity and progress. :rolleyes:
90 is nothing in a sportscar. I do that on offramps(kidding).
But yeah, if I lived there I would go broke. $25/day habit.
If they did this in NY I hope they would give one year or even lifetime discount rates. I'd sign up for this before the ink was dry on the signature of the new law.
I dunno if I'd pay for 90. In some areas you can drive 90 every day for a year and never get bagged for it. Might be cheaper just to pay the ticket and the insurance hit (or attorney) instead of $25/day.

Still, I like how he's thinking outside the box. I recall there was some rich guy a couple decades back who was thinking of buying up tons of land and building his own highway across the south from something like Texas to Cali with no speed limit then charging people a hefty toll.
You have to hand it to this guy for trying to be creative, but getting this actually into law would be difficult at best. In theory it could be very safe if people actually used some common sense, but how often does that happen and you'll end up creating some huge speed discrepancies on the roadway which is more unsafe than the actual peak speed itself.

I do remember that drive from Comptech back to Napa in 2003 and it was certainly one of the highlights of NSXPO that year. It's always interesting to have the police encouraging people to speed up when you're already doing 85. :biggrin:
Aren't most speed limits out in the deserts already 75 mph? Seems kind of a steep price to buy only 15 mph.

Make it 120, and we'll talk...
I do remember that drive from Comptech back to Napa in 2003 and it was certainly one of the highlights of NSXPO that year. It's always interesting to have the police encouraging people to speed up when you're already doing 85. :biggrin:

+1 :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Gotta hand it to the guy for using his head to think outside of the box. Most folks in the government aren't a fan of this - it breeds creativity and progress. :rolleyes:

That is far from outside of the box thinking, This is typical case of raising more money instead of actually balancing a budget. If it is deemed safe enough to drive 90 then we should not have to pay for it. Maybe they should make the cross walk signals coin operated, that seems creative.
You have to hand it to this guy for trying to be creative, but getting this actually into law would be difficult at best. In theory it could be very safe if people actually used some common sense, but how often does that happen and you'll end up creating some huge speed discrepancies on the roadway which is more unsafe than the actual peak speed itself.

I do remember that drive from Comptech back to Napa in 2003 and it was certainly one of the highlights of NSXPO that year. It's always interesting to have the police encouraging people to speed up when you're already doing 85. :biggrin:

With respect, it amazes me that if a official tries to sell you something that is your right you want to praise him and give credit.
With respect, it amazes me that if a official tries to sell you something that is your right you want to praise him and give credit.

How do you figure that driving above the speed limit (90mph in this case) is a right? In our society driving is an opportunity for those that show enough competency to pass a driver's exam, have access to a vehicle that passes safety and emissions standards, and then follow the rules/laws enacted by the state regarding the operation of that vehicle. So there is no right that anyone has to drive above the posted speed limit....period. This candidate (not official) has expressed a plan to allow people to legally operate in excess of the speed limit for an additional fee. I don't even necessarily agree with his position but his thinking on this is outside the normal realm of thought for someone in, or looking to be in, government service. I'd say that qualifies as being creative when I've yet to hear of this option elsewhere. That's why I said it was creative....I didn't give him credit or praise him beyond it being an unusual thought.
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This would be a great law IMO. But in cali, people drive 85 anyways so I could never pay $25 for only 24 hrs to go a few mph faster. I wish there was a autobahn like Germany, that would be great. Or if there was a fast track with 2 lanes, the fast lane 110-120 mph and a slower lane 90-110. Of course the cars had to fall into spec. of safety. No geo metros lol.
How do you figure that driving above the speed limit (90mph in this case) is a right? In our society driving is an opportunity for those that show enough competency to pass a driver's exam, have access to a vehicle that passes safety and emissions standards, and then follow the rules/laws enacted by the state regarding the operation of that vehicle. So there is no right that anyone has to drive above the posted speed limit....period. This candidate (not official) has expressed a plan to allow people to legally operate in excess of the speed limit for an additional fee. I don't even necessarily agree with his position but his thinking on this is outside the normal realm of thought for someone in, or looking to be in, government service. I'd say that qualifies as being creative when I've yet to hear of this option elsewhere. That's why I said it was creative....I didn't give him credit or praise him beyond it being an unusual thought.

I meant that it would be your right to drive just as fast as any other equally licenced driver is allowed to drive under the umbrella of all applicable laws. I used 90mph because thats what was cited earlier. I agree with everything you stated regarding what todays driving laws are.

Thats what I meant but im starting to see holes in that logic as well. I dont want to be a country were everything has to be perfectly equal but also dont want to end up with a society that requires a complex big government to run all these programs. Also the motivation is all wrong to me. If the gov has to invent cash machines to sustain itself shouldnt that concern us?
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