The Newest Track Playground in America

Looks impressive. But I have seen 2 similar projects in the DFW area that went belly up.
What's the deal with all these proposed upscale race resorts? Many car clubs can't even fill their days as-is. Didn't anyone pass on the message that racers don't have any money, because they are racing. :confused:

Seriously, who wants to sit by a swimming pool and hear exotics making all this noise while running 3.57 second minute laptimes all day long? If you want to go on vacation.... then go on a vacation and quit putzing around.

My 0.02

LOL. :biggrin:
Big mistake chosing a location that only has 5 months a year without snow.

They'd be better off making a yacht racing course on the high seas with a couple of buoys.
Love the idea, but like the others I don't see any possible way it will work economically, especially being covered with snow over half the year.

The courses look quite varied and interesting. Definitely not a fan of the building though.
Interesting to see how it does. The Autobahn Country Club in Joliet, IL was one of the first of these and it seems to be doing pretty well in its 4th or 5th year. A lot of the clientelle for these clubs are somewhat more insulated from the recession than the public at large, still a gamble though. On the plus side, land is getting cheaper. I'd want to pair it with something to create some winter revenue, health club, indoor karting, etc. Maybe a winter rallying course...
Alrighty then. I'll have to give it a go. Their is one opening in our region as well:

I feel pretty confident that if I can get a massage, mud bath, and my toe nails clipped at the spa, followed by a 5 star breakfast buffet for champions featuring truffled eggs...

...I'll be ready to bust out some furiously low lap times. :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Well if the thumbnail adobe acrobat website is any indicator they are starting way off the racing line:wink:
Denver is not covered with snow 5-6 months out of the year?? We may get a 8-20" of snow during the winter, but it melts within a day or two. We had better weather in Jan-Feb compared to now (has rained and snow every weekend for the past 4 weeks). It's a myth that Denver has snow on the ground all Winter long. I hope this project will make it, but i think funding will be a problem. Also, the track is planned out too far east of Denver.