The nerve of some people.....

29 May 2002
The NSX & S2000 Capital of the WORLD !
I can't believe I got this in my Junk Mail (AGAIN!) :

Dear Citibank Member,

This email was sent by the Citibank server to verify your e-mail
address. You must complete this process by clicking on the link
below and entering in the small window your Citibank ATM/Debit
Card number and PIN that you use on ATM.
This is done for your protection -- because some of our members
no longer have access to their email addresses and we must
verify it.

To verify your e-mail address and access your bank account,
click on the link below. If nothing happens when you click on the
link (or if you use AOL), copy and paste the link into the address
bar of your web browser.

And get this: I DON'T even have CitiBank account! Now that's a laugh!
Yep, I got a similar message from "Ebay" telling me to verify my password. I forwarded it to Ebay asking if it was really from them. They told me no, it was someone attempting to hack my account and then start selling nothing and collect money.
One of the Ebay scammers reportedly said that he gets as many as 200 responses to every 1000 of those e-mails that he sends. Hard to imagine since the e-mail asked for things that were too far over the top to be believable - SSN, credit limit on the card, PIN, etc.
I looked at the headers - the sender was a Rumanian address and the reply-to e-mail address was a free service in Brazil from what I can remember.
I forwarded the mail to Ebay's "Office of the President" team and got a response saying that nobody should fall for this type of mail... sheeesh, talk about having their heads in the sand!:eek: :confused: :eek:
another scam

I had listed my motorcycle for sale in 2 places on the internet and I received the follwoing email from a guy (or gal? with email address [email protected]) asking to buy the bike but get this... they want to send me a certified check for double the amount and want me to wire the excess back to them....

they wrote:
Thanks for your mail,Since the cost of your (BIKE) is $4000 i just contacted my client about the cost of your (BIKE) and it present condition and he said there is no problem about that.So my client said he will be issuing you a Certified Check of $7900 while you wire $3700 to me through Western Union Money Trasfer and you deduct the cost of your (BIKE) $4000 and keep the remaining $200 which my client said you should take for the terms of Transaction and Agreement between you and my client.So i will like you to send me your full contact information to where my client will be sending you
the Certified Check like this:
full address.............
cell/office/home phone number.......................
I will look forward to the requested information as soon as possible so that the check can be sent out to you immediately And do get back to me with the Pics of the (BIKE) so tha! t my client will be Able to see What he is paying off.Get back to me immediately. Looking forward to your respond,
Best Regards.

So I read about this scam and emailed back that I was not going to divulge my contact info unless I know WHO is actually buying the bike with all their info.... and that I had acknowledged that I was pessimistic about this being remotely legit.... I then get an email back stating:

I am intrested in purchasing your(bike)in which the
price is ($4500),i have a shipping agent that will carter for the
shippment, i have a client in U.s.a who is owing me ($8,500). And he
has promise that he will be sending the check down on my behave,i want
you Have it in mind that the remaining balance of the excess fund will
be wire via money gramm transfer to the shipping agent who is coming
for the pick up. if this mode of payment is accept by you i will like
you to send your Full name and address including your cell phone
number in which you will receive a cashier check drawn in america


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Now I know this is definitely a scam and don't want to give this guy my name or address.... what do you guys think?

Re: another scam

Biaggi said:

Now I know this is definitely a scam and don't want to give this guy my name or address.... what do you guys think?


What do we think about what exactly? I'm confused - you say you don't want to give him your name and address - why are you even giving him the time of day at this point? It is a scam pure and simple and you have nothing to gain from continued contact with them. You can't do anything to them, you can't get anywhere with law enforcement, so where do you want to go with it?
At Thanksgiving dinner my grandmother tells us all that my grandfather (who has been deceased for 9 years) won the the lottery in Spain. They (dont exactly know who) sent her a letter saying that his name accidently made it into the lottery and he won. The catch was that, according to them, it was a mistake but they could still under the table get the winnings to her. All she had to do was give them all her banking account info and personal information so that they could send her the funds. Thankfully she had the right mind to not send them anything. Some people will try all kinds of scams to get money.