The most insane thing I have heard lately [***GRAPHIC WAR PHOTO***]

11 July 2007
Danbury , Connecticut
Some of our Navy SEAL's capture the leader of the terrorists who killed the 4 contractors in Iraq in 2004

Remember this picture ?

So now ,the terrorist claims one of them punched him in the mouth and gave him a bloody lip. 3 SEAL's are facing court martial.

This terrorist killed 4 contractors then burned their bodies and then hung 2 of them from a bridge for the press to photograph as posted above.

So then he makes a claim that he was punched in the mouth, so 3 of the SEAL's who captured him are being court martialled. Amazing.

We're doomed for sure.,2933,576646,00.html
He can claim whatever he wants. Doesn't mean he's getting off.

That's the beauty of America... checks and balances. I wouldn't worry too much about the outcome.
They should have punched him on TV for everyone to see. This PC crap is getting ridiculous. Quite honestly I don't give a shit if they lop his head off and I think they should. "Oh, you wany a trail" Guilty!!!! then his head gets lopped off on the spot.
They should have punched him on TV for everyone to see. This PC crap is getting ridiculous. Quite honestly I don't give a shit if they lop his head off and I think they should. "Oh, you wany a trail" Guilty!!!! then his head gets lopped off on the spot.

+1 :mad:
Of course these rude soldiers should be court martialed. How dare they punched that poor guy in the face? The proper way to interrogate this gentle soul should be wining and dining him until he gives in. Perhaps adding some Cuban cigars and sending some gorgeous female volunteers who would erotically massage him until he begs for mercy. Punching him in the face is absolutely barbaric!
Makes you wonder where we are headed! He is lucky they are professionals and did not put a .45 slug in his head. Guys should be given a medal for restrain alone!
Even if it goes to court it would probably not go anywhere when considering the circumstances and the fact we are at war. Realistically, a bloody lip from a SEAL is nothing compared to what the LAPD or Long Beach PD would do.
A sad side note:
Those 4 contractors from 2004 probably designed and built the bridge that those bastards hung them from. Makes me want to puke! :mad:
probably would've just been easier to 'accidentally' shoot him in the head... case closed... an incident of war would've been easier to cover than a bloody lip.. sad..
This sort of thing makes me want to vomit. He complains about getting punched in the mouth? Ridiculous. He should be writing a thank you letter to their commanding officer. He's lucky they didn't slash his achilles tendons and shoot high caliber slugs through both kneecaps and elbows.

I bet Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the entire ACLU roster are in a foot race to advocate on behalf of this brutalized freedom-fighter.
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You guys forget we are not at war. What happened was a Navy Seal brutally assaulted a -civilian- of another nation. That's why his fellow country men are being tried in a civilian court in New York in the following weeks. Poor civilian.