The LHD JDM conversion project

Thank you Hass. It won't be of any fun without you guys :wink:

The JDM car has just been painted today!
Here are the fresh (wet) pictures

The roof was previously painted in black, but not clearcoated. It was covered at this stage just not to get any white spray on it


And voila, all car is painted, but not clearcoated yet


And finally shining after 2 layers of clearcoat...:cool:


The RHD to LHD conversion scars has became almost invisible no



This car is now an LHD JDM NSX :biggrin:

And of course the unpainted engine bay just to preserve the JDM stickers

Thank you all for your kind support
Here is some christmas update
Parts under the defroster, behind the headlights and under the water radiator have been blackened like oem

Now that the chassis is converted, painted and already dried comes the best part of the project: the reassembling
Shop is now closed for chritmas and new year's eve week, it will re-open on january 5.
All gommets, brake and clutch lines, gearbox shifter and handbrake cables, the ALB unit, pedals, water tubes, AC hoses, wiper motor and climate heater are already in place:cool:


Hello Hugo.

I need to talk to you. You still have my Honda NSX in your garage and you don't reply to my mail and PM on the forum.
You have taken my money, now I need my HONDA NSX. Right Now!
Give me your phone number, cause I change my phone and I don't have it anymore I lost it.
I give you a last chance before justice enter in the game.
If you don't want your mother to have problems (the person who receive the money by bank transfert), just give me my NSX.


tercel, you are a funny guy with that complaint... why didn't you post
the whole story?? :wink:

No probleme.

Here is the complete story.

About two years ago I bought a NSX from Hugo for 38500€. It is the white one from this topic :

Hugo tells me that the NSX was in perfect condition and regarding to the comment from his profil here and the picture I trust him.

I decide to take the car and go to Portugal to take it. After a few week's of driving I start to see some probleme with the car and I send an email to him.

It is the white one here :

The car had many problems, the principal one was :
- The car had a front accident in the past, he front of the body was craked. Hugo don't tell anything about that before I bought the car. The crack haven't been repaired correctly and it come back after less than 15000km.
- the clutch witch was slipping
- many electric problems
- The gear box was making a very bad noise
- No cruise control

You can see hugo explain some of here :

After that we decide to make a deal. I give him back the NSX and he give me an other one, a german model.

We make the change, hugo take the car and I receive the other one. We sould send each other the registration. Hugo did, not me cause my registration was at the gouvernement office. Because I wasn't able to send him the registration of the car he decide to take the german NSX back, and send me my first NSX witch he said was repaired.

Now I have my registration back. Hugo have the two NSX, and don't reply to my mail and PM since he get the german NSX back.

What I want is get my first NSX back, repaired correctly or my monay back.

Maybe he will reply here, I hope.

My lowyer have all the documents to launch a procedure, and this is hugo's last chance.

I don't wan't to disturb anybody with that but it was the only way to have an answer from hugo.
Vincent, you have to ask yourself one question:
“Do I feel ready for a trial?” Well, do you…?

Let me refresh your memory

Here are the facts:

Nov 11 2012 Selling of the NSX
Feb 14 2013 Registration of the nsx ( +3 month after the sale)
May 13 2013 Buyer communicates to seller about several issues on the car
May 13 2013 Immediate answer from seller, suggesting a repair or a full car exchange
May 14 2013 Communication from buyer, with a longer list of defects, including a broken door handle and a slipping clutch
May 14 2013 Immediate answer from seller, re-suggesting a repair or a full exchange of cars
AOU 21 2013 Exchange of emails to try to schedule a repair in Portugal
SEP 25 2013 Seller asks buyer about his decision: repair or exchange? - no answer
NOV 19 2013 Buyer answers at last and asks more info about a German car to exchange, and accepts to meet half way from France and Portugal to do the exchange
APR 14 2014 Exchange of cars was finally made by truck at buyer's place, all expenses paid by seller
May 12 2014 after almost one month of evaluation, buyer clearly states "I ACCEPT THE EXCHANGE"
Jun 15 2014 Buyer asks to exchange registration documents - no answer
Aug 18 2014 Buyer answers at last, indicating his address to receive the German documents of the exchanged vehicle
Aug 29 2014 Seller sends the German documents to seller
SEP 04 2014 Buyer receives the new documents and will never communicate with the seller again

Seller will never receive the registration documents of the French car he received so decides to meet and face the buyer in Limoges, France

DEC 01 2014 Signature of the selling documents of the French nsx by the buyer
Buyer informs the seller that his registration documents were ceased by authorities long before the exchange, about 1 year and 1/2

DEC 02 2014 Seller takes the German documents back, as a warranty until buyer gets his ceased ones
Jan 09 2014 Buyer takes his German NSX back

So you're claiming I didn't inform you about the accident and the gearbox? You must have a short memory, not only I used it to justify and prove the low mileage of only 25000 miles in 20 years but it is clearly mentioned and debated on the original post you participated prior to buy it.
You forgot to mention that because car was lowered with stiffer shocks and springs, you bent the front STMPO bar hitting a bump or a sidewalk, didn’t you?
You also managed to ruin the new clutch discs in 10000kms only; you wrecked your other car an S2000 in a track; you are a member of a racing club of Limoges; you have a BMW M3 as a daily driver
I think this car simply did not match your driving skills

Nevertheless I wanted to help you and gave you a choice, I fulfilled my part of the deal but you completely failed to carry out yours.
It even doesn't matter anymore if you knew about the original defects or not, because you accepted the exchange!
Why are you mentioning the price you bought it? Was it too expensive, is that why? Why did you buy it then? No one forced you!
You lost my phone number? Why don't you check your missed calls, you must have +100 missed calls from me, plus emails and sms from September to December
What was that for? A silent revenge? Were you sulking?
You never called me or even tried to call me since the day I took my German nsx back.

Now what? You think you can come here polute my thread with your laundry and threaten me?
Well, allow me to retort:

1- That French car that you need so much is legally mine according to French laws, you signed the selling documents in December 01, and I still have it with your signature and DNA on it
2- I was in "PRIVATION OF USE" of my NSX('s) because of you for almost 1 year, French law gives me a right of 100e/day compensation.
3- I also have the right of "RETENTION" of your car as long as you'll have a debt towards me
So go ahead, bring that Mr. Lowyer of yours, or whoever that is and let’s go to trial.

I would have repaired your car for free instead of exchanging it because I am simply too kind. You chose the exchanging instead
Not only I have exchanged cars with you and paid for both truck transportations, but I also had to repair your French car thinking it would be mine.
And now you want your car back for free or a full refund of what you paid for it 3 years ago, after wasting my time??

There is a French expression I am sure you know "Tu ne peux pas avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière" - you can't have the butter, the money from the butter and the ass of the dairy lady :wink:

I don't want to be a nice guy to you anymore, the free part is over now
I will break your car for parts if I have to, after all she is mine.
Sorry to hear about Your troubles Hugo.

Having met you on your North American Window Regulator Tour a few year ago, I find you to be a very straight forward and Honest person.

Did I just read a thread written by M. Night Shyamalan? What a twist.

Great job on the LHD conversion. That thing is coming along nicely. What a great thread to read through. Please keep the updates coming.

Hope the other story turns out as good for you as the conversion is turning out!
You ever watch a show and the "B" story gets more interesting than the "A" story. This is kinda one of them...
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Some update before my window fixing tour across the usa: I just took the JDM out of the shop for a safe 3 month hibernation at home :biggrin:
Car is partially completed and running but had to be towed away as not being suitable for road driving yet
the '02 cf bonnet is just temporary, jdm car will have the na1 headlights.



These are fresh pictures from Lisbon, not to be confused with the Rio de Janeiro Redeemer Christ or the SanFrancisco Golden Gate bridge :)



To be continued...

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