The latest e-mail Scam

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
Just got this scam e-mail
New twist on an old ploy - However they don't realize that I belong to a rival organization - Order of Literary Development For Arts (OLD FArts)

Note the key element I highlighted in red. I especially like the following sentence that stresses it will make them very glad! I'll bet it would!

I know you're all too smart to be taken in by this one but thought I'd post up, this one's new to me.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr.Xiao Jun,managinig director of HUAMAO ARTS AND CRAFTS
Import/Export Corp.(HMARTS) we are a group of business men who deal on
Art and Craft and export into the Canada/America and Europe,
We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium
of getting to our customers in the Canada/America and Europe,Asia,
Australia as well as making payments through you to us. Please if you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very glad.
Please contact us for more information.Subject to your satisfaction you
will be given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of which we will
pay for your services as our representative in Canada/America Asia,
Australia and Europe Please if you are interested forward to us your phone
number/fax and your full contact addresses, to the following Email

55 An Suing East 9th Street,
Taichung, China

Thanks In advance
Managing Director,
Mr.Xiao Jun.
Honda F1 Racing said:
Man, I just don't even bother with opening emails that look fishy. Too many viruses out there to wreck havoc!

I agree. I just got a virus the other day by accident and it defeated our virus protection(Mcafee) and killed my computer. Couldn't do anything with it at all. Had to end up getting a brand new. :mad:
Is this listing a fraud?? Its very strange. Also check out the sellers feedback as far as the items he's sold. Fetish lingerie??? Almost sounds like the same kind of scam as D'Ecosse mentioned. Its too bad because I was really looking for that style lift and cant find it anywhere.
eBay Motors: COMMERCIAL GRADE 7 K CAR LIFT, AUTO HOIST LIFTS, HOISTS (item 4569908734 end time Aug-26-05 14:03:43 PDT)