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I recently joined the forum - I have a 1991 NSX and located in So-Cal.  I have a couple of questions:

Given that I live in So-Cal, are the engines you provide for US cars - I only ask because I will need to the car inspected prior to registering and be able to pass smog.

Also, I'm not sure if you mentioned in the thread if OBD1 will be upgraded to OBD2 when doing the swap to either engines. It will make troubleshooting a little easier.

Are both J32 and J35 kits available? Which kit is more readily upgraded for more horses? (SC, turbo, ITB). Which kit can be upgraded for more horses now vs. later?

I'm not sure if you mentioned if OBD1 will be upgraded to OBD2 when doing the J swap. It would make troubleshooting easier with OBD2.

How much HP will it be with the J swap? Is there a difference in HP in J32 and J35?

Do you know how many ponies Coz's engine puts out with the turbo? Is this same set up available through you?

I may have more questions as I continue to read your thread. 

I'm stoked that you have the knowledge and the guts to put together this build - it gives us NSX owners a viable alternative option to keep our cars on the road given that parts are becoming more scarce each day. Good job!!!
