J swap options
I recently joined the forum and I have a 1991 NSX and located in So-Cal - a couple of questions:
Are the engines you use, made for US cars? I only ask because once I do the conversion, I have to get the car inspected by CHP prior getting it registered. The engines can't be for non US model vehicles - say from Japan, or it won't pass inspection. Assume that all smog related devices for the J engine is utilized during the swap/install.
Do you have both kits - J32 and J35 available?
Also, I'm not sure if you mentioned in the thread if OBD1 will be upgraded to OBD2 when doing the swap to either engine. It will make troubleshooting a little easier.
Which kit do you recommend for more HP upgrades - SC, turbo, ITB?
Do you know how much horses are produced by Coz's J swap motor with turbo?
Is it available from you and what will it cost?
I'm so stoked about your thread and happy to know there are options for our cars given the parts are getting more scarce each day.
I may have more questions for you as I read more of the J swap thread - hope you don't mind.