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Yes, you can do this swap with a DBW NSX and either keep the DBW or add the throttle cable back in.  The J37 has a different bell housing pattern and I don't believe will bolt up to the NSX transmission.

Between the J32a2 and J35a3, both in NA form, I feel the faster revving J32a2 is a better match for the gearing of the NSX.  However, there is no denying the increase in torque with the J35a3.

If you are going turbo, then I would lean towards the J32 again, since you are going to get more torque with the turbo and like you said, best not to break anything.

The J32a3 from the 04-08 Acura TL is a DBW engine with the correct bell housing to bolt to the NSX.  The J35a8 has a different bell housing.  The J32a3 also has the cast in head exhaust manifold (one big exhaust port).
