The Importance of a Round Trip Ticket

5 November 2002

So you have been looking for a NSX for a while. You know what you want and what price you are willing to pay. You find a VERY low mileage, late model, example out of town at a dealer. The car is certified. You speak, via email and phone, with the salesman who assures you this car is mint and needs nothing but a good home. You talk about price, but do not get into the details. You run the CarFax and it comes back as a clean one-owner car. You are at the point in your search that you need to look at several examples out there and if one happens to fit at the right price, then great. If not, no big deal.

You make your flight arrangements and let the salesman know you will be there when the dealership opens on a certain day. He said he will be waiting.

You arrive at the dealership and find the car sitting outside right up front. Looks great as you drive in until you notice its dirty. Real dirty. Like it has not been washed in weeks and driven in the rain recently. Interesting. Now THIS should be the first clue (for many) that something may be fishy. Any salesman who knows you are flying in from out of town would certainly have the car clean for your arrival, no?

You walk around the car. There is wax in just about EVERY crevice of this car. It would take you (and a toothbrush) probably a week to get it out. What a shame for such a low mileage example. You are also really disappointed that its not clean as dirt does a GREAT job of hiding small scratches and dings. No big deal, though. If it drives nice you can have them wash if for final inspection.

You get down at knee level and start your walk (crawl) around the car. Everything looks pretty good. You notice that there are aftermarket shocks on the car. Salesman says, "yeah thats a huge plus!" Maybe for some. Would have been nice to know before. You get to the front bumper and notice that where it meets the passenger fender there is a flake of paint. Hmmmm. Pop the hood. You look around and it jumps out at you. No VIN sticker on the passenger fender. You close the hood and continue your look. The passenger door gap where it meets the passenger fender is not consistent. You are starting to think this car has had some body work.

You open the passenger door. It sticks just a bit. Hmm. You open and close a few more times. Its hanging up on the latch a bit. Factory? Maybe. Maybe not.

You finish your walk around. Then you check out inside. Aftermarket speakers glued on the upper door panels greet you as you open the door. "I thought you said this car was stock?" to the salesman. He replies, "well yeah, mostly. Those speakers really add something to the stereo!"

You finish your inspection at this point which has taken about 20 minutes. You point out to the saleman the issues with the front right corner. He says "yeah, I noticed the sticker was missing, I figured he just peeled it off". Umm, yeah right. "So why didnt you tell me all these things when we talked?" Salesman replies with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

You thank him for his time and head out.

He asks "So I guess this is just more money than you wanted to spend?". You take a long pause, a deep breath and try to calm down. You reply, "Umm no, its fine but I want a completely stock car with no issues". "Oh", he replies, "well I will keep my eyes out and give you a call."

What a waste of your time, you think as you drive back towards the airport. Maybe you can get on that earlier flight......
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Things like this have happened several times to me too, travelling for several hours to look at a car described as "perfect" which at the first glance you can see is a mis-representation.

I have had it with beeiing polite, just saying it isn't wat I want, having spent money and time for nothing as this clearly is not as told over the phone.

I think we as mislead viewers should start making a lot more fuss about getting beautiful stories over the phone and coming to view for nothing.

In the case of that salesperson, I would at least want to talk to the manager to adress this issue. If this is a reputable business, perhaps he might offer some travel compensation. If not, I would make it clear to publish them over the internet as a untrustworthy dealer, buyers be aware.

I have had it with these kind of sellers, buyers speak up when you encounter these kind of con artists!!
This happens and its all a part of trying to find that perfect NSX.

Meh...salesmen put up with awful purchasers too...the world's not perfect either.

Sorry needed to add that next time I'd have someone from Prime in the local area go check out the car for you and you should be asking for some good photos of the car.
I took an entire Saturday to drive to Dallas with my girlfriend at the time to look at "very clean" MR2 hard top. I almost asked the guy if he was joking when I saw it. The front bumper wasn't even painted remotely the same color as the rest of the car, how did he manage to hide this in the pictures. No shift knob. The interior peices on the driver's side door were completely missing. The car ran like it has 35hp instead of 135hp and the entire time the rear engine lid would rattle and bang so loud you could barely hear the awful exhaust/exhaust leaks.

I was blown away by how wasted my efforts were. Turns out the pictures were when he got the car about a year ago. If I wasn't so shocked and my girlfriend wasn't so cool about it I probably would have broken the guy's legs.

Note to self, buying from foriegners is OK but if you can't get them to tell you exactly what you need to hear on the phone don't waste your time.
I am on my third NSX and is only on the last one that I was lucky enough to buy the first one I saw.

Keep looking ask for hi-resolution pictures and buy from and enthusiast.

Good luck,

Sorry needed to add that next time I'd have someone from Prime in the local area go check out the car for you and you should be asking for some good photos of the car.
Before booking the tickets, post up in the proper section and I'm quite sure someone would be willing to do a driveby for you as we've done here in the NE for many prospective purchasers and save you the expense and aggravation!!!!