The human race

23 July 2007
The human race has no purpose or goal. Just like you set goals for yourself "we" as a species have NONE.

that tells me a few things..

1. we are selfish.
2. we are concerned with the moment (or our 80+ years)
3. we do not care about our children, or any children.
4. we are primitive.

If I had to deside
it would be...

1. World pease
2. stabilize world food and economy (by allowing starving people to move into near-by thriving food growing countries)
3. world wide health care and housing ( no matter what you think is fair, yes its possible)
4. scientific reasearch into artificial space-based colonies and Moon bases (or mars bases)
5. the spread of the human race across the universe.

That way people of differing opinions/religions could go where they wanted,and away from those that they think are incorrect. After a few thousand years everyone different would be forgotten. Hate would be a historical word. Or forgotten completely!

Thats why the world is so Phucked up
and thats why different social groups thrive better in bigger numbers IE highschool is a perfect example. IE nerds, jocks, sluts, goths, emo, etc..... Until the WORLD HAS ONE GOAL we are doomed. Hitler (And I dont aprove) showed the world the power of suggestion and greed, and thus showed the world just how weak minded every one is. Sorry its true, Unless you want to say ONLY Germans are weak minded! Others have done it in the past, hell even In the present..... I may have been one of them but I can think for myself!

Any thoughts on some crazy rambelings of a high school grad?
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People have looked at the world for thousands of years and have said those exact same words. We must look towards ourselves and our situations and make those differences ourselves, individually. There is no macrotheory to change the world.

Mother Teresa was asked once how she even began to help people, with all of the blight, poverty, and starvation that surrounded her. She simply said "I begin with what is in front of me".

Another story of legend talks about a boy walking along a beach where the tide has gone out, adn on this beach lay thousands of starfish, and the boy begins picking them up, one by one, and throwing them back into the ocean.

An old man approaches the boy, and says "Son, look around you, you'll never be able to save all of them!"

Undaunted, the boy picks up another starfish, and tosses it back in the ocean, saying "maybe not, but I'll bet that one is glad I did."

And the old man takes his place beside the boy, and begins tossing starfish back into the sea. That's how it happens. It's not the world and how it should be, but YOU and how YOU should be.

Which begs the question, what have you done to change the world lately?

This hits home a bit for me, because it is in part, one of my own life's endeavors.
We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. ~Charles Kingsley
Another story of legend talks about a boy walking along a beach where the tide has gone out, adn on this beach lay thousands of starfish, and the boy begins picking them up, one by one, and throwing them back into the ocean...

Which begs the question, what have you done to change the world lately?

This is a wonderful old story. It is exemplar of why many people choose to teach.
Any thoughts on some crazy rambelings of a high school grad?

are you one of those emo kids? or goth kids in High School? I know they get picked on a lot, because im scared you might cut yourself or do something drastic as suicide but much worst hurt another person?

there are alot of different races all with different goals, take the usa for example, fuel economy, solar power, wind power, electric cars, hybrid cars, nuclear power, natural gas cars, propane cars, slowly most of the country is turning "green" trying to sever our addiction to overseas oil,

when we do that and our whole country is "green" other countries are going to be polluting more and more to end up polluting more than we ever were, take CHINA for example, you can barely even seee the dam olypic villige thing threw the air now, then theres iraq if its going to start devoloping isnt going to be using ethanol powered cars:rolleyes: nor is mexico, etc etc etc, so the world is F*CKED unless we.... wipe those countries off the face of the earth in a humanatarian act:tongue: think of how much less pollution there would be, worlwide emmissions would be cut by like 50-75% even more in the next 20 years
The human race has no purpose or goal. Just like you set goals for yourself "we" as a species have NONE.

that tells me a few things..

1. we are selfish.
2. we are concerned with the moment (or our 80+ years)
3. we do not care about our children, or any children.
4. we are primitive.

If I had to deside
it would be...

1. World pease
2. stabilize world food and economy (by allowing starving people to move into near-by thriving food growing countries)
3. world wide health care and housing ( no matter what you think is fair, yes its possible)
4. scientific reasearch into artificial space-based colonies and Moon bases (or mars bases)
5. the spread of the human race across the universe.

That way people of differing opinions/religions could go where they wanted,and away from those that they think are incorrect. After a few thousand years everyone different would be forgotten. Hate would be a historical word. Or forgotten completely!

Thats why the world is so Phucked up
and thats why different social groups thrive better in bigger numbers IE highschool is a perfect example. IE nerds, jocks, sluts, goths, emo, etc..... Until the WORLD HAS ONE GOAL we are doomed. Hitler (And I dont aprove) showed the world the power of suggestion and greed, and thus showed the world just how weak minded every one is. Sorry its true, Unless you want to say ONLY Germans are weak minded! Others have done it in the past, hell even In the present..... I may have been one of them but I can think for myself!

Any thoughts on some crazy rambelings of a high school grad?

I think you need a feasibility study. Anything is possible but hope is not a strategy. All species exist like this, it's not just us.
1) Impossible to fully realize because of finite resources, human nature, and varying degrees of skills/intelligence amongst people. If you consider peace what we have in the U.S., thousands of murders a year, hundreds of thousands of thefts, several hundred thousand homeless, etc. you could obliterate the rest of the world's people but our allies but even then it wouldn't last. We'd still fight over the same resources eventually etc. That also doesn't mean we can't make huge improvements like avoiding constant warfare.
2) We don't know how, it's not a matter of just 'choosing' to do it. Populations overpopulating and starving are a natural consequence to overusing their resources and occurs all over nature everyday. Humans can easily grow in numbers faster than we can grow food, you'd have to put some pretty serious limitations on population growth-good luck with that one and 1).
3) If you could get a charity organization powerful enough to accomplish this maybe-but you will not have peace if you force people to take care of other people for too long. Also at what cost does this service come at?
4) I like these. It would be amazing what we could accomplish if all the big boys got together on their space programs-but on the other side the ONLY reason we are even CLOSE to where we are today is competition. All of our greatest accomplishments stem from a core native instinct. It is entirely possible 4 fighting against each other accomplish more than 4 working together.
5) Yippee! Bigger wars and casualties will be in billions instead of millions. Not to burst your bubble, I think we should cut a bunch of bs [unfortunately for you that would require SS and medicare to dissapear most likely] and put more towards this type of research. The trick here is to convince everyone it's military spending so the bugdet will got to infinity and if they say it's a dumb idea or waste of money call them a communist, traitor, unpatriotic, or a sissy liberal. I was extremely fascinated with the various astronomy courses I took in college.
Logically speaking and setting morals aside, the best way to solve all our problems is to let people die. Yes, that means stop spending 5 billions US taxed dollars in Africa from preventng AIDS. AIDS people are gonna die anyways from sickness (People do not die from AIDS, there is never a case where people die from AIDS, people of other that kill them. Again i just want to point this out because people will say that AIDS kill. There is never a case related to AIDS killing. AIDS effect the immune system, thus weakening it, thus allowing other sickness to over come the victum. usually resulting in death). Kill all people in prison who are proven guilty, one shot to the heads does it, instead of spending 100 millions of dollars feeding criminals. Stop giving money to Terrorist countries. Stop sending food to countries who aren't our allies (n. korea for an example). and so on.

just think about how much money the US can save if it stop being a provider to the world. just think about how much CO2 we can cut down if less people were alive. Just think of all the food surpluss we will have if we stop sending reliefs over seas.

Again this is setting morals on the side and this is just a logical way of thinking. logically.
Ski, I actually made this thread because of yours. I wanted to make something that would essentially make people think and hear their opinions on the subject. Unlike your thread about smelly people that just made everyone mad.
Ski, I actually made this thread because of yours. I wanted to make something that would essentially make people think and hear their opinions on the subject. Unlike your thread about smelly people that just made everyone mad.

Mate, you know I'm one of your biggest supporters -- you've seen things that only, perhaps, 1% of the people on here have witnessed (if that). I was actually VERY surprised at your response in that thread, but chalked it up to "a quick read" kneejerk response or something like that. That thread, IF ANYTHING, is in support of real people, as opposed to elitists that want people to think they're special driving in an NSX "adhering to the exotic owners CODE of CONDUCT".

I absolutely positively cannot f-ing stand those people.

Do you watch South Park? I would say that most of the 50% of people that voted "offended" in that thread, are synonymous with the Prius driving elitists in the Prius-Smug/Smog episode. It's the same concept at the end of the day: making a statement that you are better than everyone else (due to your environmentally green Prius, if you advertise it as such, or your NSX, if you treat it like something that others should be envious of).

Rant off.
Technically Im poor according to statitics, So yea It made me kinda mad, because Ive come home smelly before and yea Im still barely making it....thats what made me mad
Technically Im poor according to statitics, So yea It made me kinda mad, because Ive come home smelly before and yea Im still barely making it....thats what made me mad

Naw, that thread had very little to do with rich or poor really. It had to do with rich people, or seemingly rich people, being pretentious and elitist (something I hate worse than cold cheap Chinese food :tongue:). Sorry though.
i agree with the whole aids in africa thing, if we wanted to help africa we would have to try to "westernise" it a little bit, help them build some buildings, toss in some democratic governments, but as far as brutal civil wars/genocides, etc etc i strongly feel it is our duty to step in at those times.

and as far as killing criminals, killing ALL criminals would be going to far, but people convicted of murders, rapes, big time drug dealers, etc, instead of getting 10-20-50-life they should be killed, oxygen deprevation as opposed to one shot to the head, shooting in the head would be too messy, and disgusting and well thats just not how america will operate ever.
The human race has no purpose or goal. Just like you set goals for yourself "we" as a species have NONE.

that tells me a few things..

1. we are selfish.
2. we are concerned with the moment (or our 80+ years)
3. we do not care about our children, or any children.
4. we are primitive.

If I had to deside
it would be...

1. World pease
2. stabilize world food and economy (by allowing starving people to move into near-by thriving food growing countries)
3. world wide health care and housing ( no matter what you think is fair, yes its possible)
4. scientific reasearch into artificial space-based colonies and Moon bases (or mars bases)
5. the spread of the human race across the universe.

That way people of differing opinions/religions could go where they wanted,and away from those that they think are incorrect. After a few thousand years everyone different would be forgotten. Hate would be a historical word. Or forgotten completely!

Thats why the world is so Phucked up
and thats why different social groups thrive better in bigger numbers IE highschool is a perfect example. IE nerds, jocks, sluts, goths, emo, etc..... Until the WORLD HAS ONE GOAL we are doomed. Hitler (And I dont aprove) showed the world the power of suggestion and greed, and thus showed the world just how weak minded every one is. Sorry its true, Unless you want to say ONLY Germans are weak minded! Others have done it in the past, hell even In the present..... I may have been one of them but I can think for myself!

Any thoughts on some crazy rambelings of a high school grad?

I agree with you, get rid of religion too, small minded power hungry egotistical groups, causing hate in the name of peace. I doubt humanity by it's very nature can overcome it's egotism, could be our very nature, i hope not.:smile:
We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. ~Charles Kingsley

In reality, we all get enthusiastic about comfort and luxury.
People will generally pursue their own self interest.

The "answer" is religion. And, yes, I do unequivocally believe that there is a God.

Not even close.

The "answer" is libertarianism.

Like you said, people will pursue their own self-interest. No authority, be it government or God, will change that.

The trick is to devise a philosophy such that peoples' self-interest reflects society's best interest. And that philosophy is libertarianism.
The trick is to devise a philosophy such that peoples' self-interest reflects society's best interest. And that philosophy is libertarianism.

Really? Hard to argue that service to self (not that there is anything wrong with that) equates to service to society.

Society at large and the individual seldom have mutual goals.