The house that John Travolta built.

8 May 2002
In a Iglo
How cool is John Travolta.

More on his house. Digest.htm,3604,1124167,00.html
Brian whats up.

I remember back in the day when the pops was looking at moving to florida and looked at homes at Spruce Creek Flyin where every house had a airplane hanger pretty wild seeing all these either prop planes or old school jets.
John Travolta had a house there but was either told to leave or get a smaller plane because he was flying his 707 in there which was really not allowed. Thats about all i remember from this it was probably about 8 years ago
svalleynsx said:
I wonder if it's still standing? Or did the recent hurricanes not cut a path through Ocala?

Ocala did not suffer any damage to speak of. Charlie went in from the Gulf south of Tampa Bay, diagonally NE through Orlando. Ocala is NW of Orlando.
Frances came in from the Atlantic north of Ft Lauderdale and came across the state through Tampa. We mostly sufferred tree damage and flooding.
Ivan came in from the Gulf and went straight in at the Alabama/Florida border. Pensacola got hammered hard.
Jeanne is our next scheduled visitor, and will either brush against the Atlantic coast, or have the same path as Frances. Whoopie!

I have a friend who was looking at a lot in this neighborhood. He was very interested until they told him that Travolta would be across the street. Not a good thing when a 707 pulls in to park and you get the jet wash!
wow - that's one heck of a pad. imagine the car collection he could have. but I guess he'd rather buy big expensive planes!