The girl who Kobe committed adultery with

If the court finds him guilty of the acts he is accused of, I hope he serves many years.

Much like everyone else, I am sick of seeing these celebrities serve a fraction of the time other folks serve for similar crimes. Either way, I am going to be keeping an eye on what companies give Kobe lucrative contracts.
I'm still sitting on the fence with this one. I'll reserve judgement until the trial is over.

One of our sports anchors from our news department has been trying to get info on this case. The best he got from a source was that the girl gave Kobe "Bill Clinton" and she let some of it drip onto her clothes. After she left the hotel the police came soon after. Now, this is not fact as it is all still speculation since nobody can confirm the story. Many of the women who work at our station don't believe the girls story "IF" the above story turns out to be true. Most of the women who expressed their views say don't don't understand how someone can force you to give a BJ unless they had a gun or knife held to them. According to the charge, it was just a force by strength assalt. Now, I'm not sure how any women would actually act in a situation like this, but the womon in the office said if it were them and no gun or knife was held to them the guy would have some serious problems. I'm not sure how many guys could handle a women biting really hard in that area. Some of the women said they would try and bite it offm while others said they would definately try and leave teeth marks at the very least.

Anyway, like I said, all speculation as nobody but the two involved really know what happened. I thought it was just an interesting story going around in our news department. Of course, they are not reporting any of that since it is unconfirmed.