The first new Ferrari 430 in Canada pics

8 May 2002
In a Iglo
Had some fun this weekend with the 430, to bad I lost my camera. :(
There were 35 360's there as well as an Enzo, MC 12, F40, SLR and many other F cars. I did get some decent video of the SLR getting sideways down the street, and the Enzo chasing after it

These are the owners pics.








Screw the Ferrari, I want to see more of that wild M3 in the background!
slashmatt said:
Screw the Ferrari, I want to see more of that wild M3 in the background!


Screw the M3, I want to see more of the the passenger in the AMG SLK during the DC roadtrip! :cool:

Ok, I am 101% joking! Just reiterating a sincere compliment in a cheeky manner!

Brian, what were your impressions of the 430 in terms of its sound, ride/handling, overall feel (quality/solidness) in comparison to the 360? I've had the opportunity to see a few in Greater London, but not been fortunate yet to have been a driver or passenger. :(
SWEEEEET! A friend of mine is supposed to be receiving his spyder this summer (I didn't realize they were coming out so soon after the coupe) and I'm looking forward to getting a ride in it. Looks awesome!

Brian, you gotta post up the video of the 430 being chased by the Enzo. BTW, was this in Windsor, or were you guys up in Toronto? I also love the amount of space in that guys garage!

The Enzo was chasing the SLR, the video will be on the new dvd. :biggrin:
We were at Ferrari of Ontario, and the owner lives off of Pinevally and the 407. He has a 10 car garage. :eek:

The sound is very loud compared to the 360, I haven't driven it so I can't comment on the driveabilty, it still needs to be broken in so you really can't test it out until it hits 500+ miles. I don't care for it as much as the 360, I think the front air intakes are ugly as hell, but the sound is nice.
prova4re said:
I don't care for it as much as the 360, I think the front air intakes are ugly as hell, but the sound is nice.
I agree with you.I don't think it looks as nice as the 360 either.the rear lights are too contrived to look like the Enzo's and the flat section on the front fenders looks all wrong IMO.I also think that the 355 looks better than them both.
I for one love it. I'll never own one, but I still like the looks of the 430.
Very nice pictures. The F430 has to be one of the hottest looking F-cars to date. Also, it was nice to see pics of exotic cars that actually go out in the rain. Maybe someday I'll be fortunate enough to have a 430 and say "yeah, I drive it, whenever, rain, shine, doesn't matter". :smile:

So, did the Enzo, SLR, F40, others get wet too?

We were at Ferrari of Ontario, and the owner lives off of Pinevally and the 407. He has a 10 car garage.

Dude, you gotta let me know next time you're up here -- I'm 5 minutes away! I think I know the area that this guy lives in ... one neighbourhood in particular with a few houses with 8-10 car garages. BTW, was that Michael L's Enzo, or another one? I think the owner of Ferrari of Ontario also has an Enzo, right? Did you drive your 360 down?
I will call you next time I am headed that way, we are throwing a big track event in July at Toronto Motor Sports Park in Cayuga.

I sold my car, it is now at the Exotic car gallery 2 blocks away from FoO.

Someone told me there were five Enzos there, buy the time I showed up there was only one. The owner of FoO sold his yellow Enzo to the guy who owns the red Enzo that was in West coast customs getting custom wheels.
prova4re said:
Someone told me there were five Enzos there, buy the time I showed up there was only one. The owner of FoO sold his yellow Enzo to the guy who owns the red Enzo that was in West coast customs getting custom wheels.

So there is someone out there who owns a yellow and a red Enzo?! :eek:
I"m sorry but the F430 is just plain beautiful. Yeah it does appear to be the child of a 360 and an Enzo but that is what you get when you have two beautiful parents! If I had the income to afford one you can bet your ass I would have one! :cool:

The owner of FoO sold his yellow Enzo to the guy who owns the red Enzo that was in West coast customs getting custom wheels.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

You know that guy is a MAJOR track rat. I know he has a 360 challenge for the track (and I think he still owns his 355 challenge too). I'm wondering if he's planning on using one of the Enzo's on the track. If so, that's gotta be the first private citizen who will regularly track an Enzo. I can't even imagine what his maintenance bills will be like -- but hey, if you can afford two enzo's, that's probably the least of your concerns!

5 Enzo's -- I didn't even realize there were that many in Canada in total! Were they dealership cars, or all privately owned?

Please keep me posted on the July Cayuga event, I'm definitely in!
There were 8 Enzo's sold new at FoO, and 1 sold used.
4 of them live in Mississauga, 3 in the GTA, and the rest are scattered thew out Ontario. Quebec has sold at least 4 that I know of.

There are 4 people in the US who own more than 1 Enzo, one of them takes it to the track when ever possible.
That same guy has crashed a few of his hyper exotic F cars on the track, only to jump right back on to the track and drive one of the other mounts he brings with him.
He even has a Zonda. :eek:
There are 4 people in the US who own more than 1 Enzo

Those are the 4 people at the top of my list of people I hate. :smile: