The factory alarm...

15 October 2002
I'm having a bit of problem with my alarm... I don't have any aftermarket stuff installed on my '91, and no keyless entry. Sometimes, when I use the key to unlock the car, the alarms goes off (headlights flash, car honks). I can't really anticipate when the alarm will go off when I try to unlock it. Sometimes it does that when I'm trying to unlock car after a few days of not driving it, sometimes it does it when I'm at the gas station after paying for gas.

What seems to be the problem here? And, I'm soon going to get an aftermarket alarm on the NSX, would this solve my problems?


But to answer the 2nd part of my question... Would installing an aftermarket alarm still trigger the alarm by unlocking the car (with keyless most likely)?

Cause I might get an aftermarket alarm for sure, and I don't think the dealer would cover this in warranty, and ... it looks like the labor is 1.7 hours per door, and i think about 200 in parts for each side :eek:
an after market alarm will not be using the same contacts as the factory alarm. personally, i would get the factory one fixed:

1) it is a decent alarm
2) you can buy the keyless entry for the factory alarm. easy upgrade
3) i am a 'factory' type guy.
If I did it over, I would invest in an aftermarket alarm because it will have way more options over factory. My factory alarm only locks/unlocks the doors... nochirp no flicker of the parking lights when activated nor deactivated. An aftermarket, has those options mentioned AND have a trunk release! The only thing I don't like about the aftermarkets is the dumb 7 siren songs.....
The cost would be almost the same for both (maybe a little more for the aftermarket but well worth the upgraded options....

My $.02
When you say, your '91 has no "keyless entry", aren't all stock factory NSX alarms keyless entry type? I have a similar problem. The alarm has gone off just by opening the passenger door. Don't even remember how I got it to shut off. So I had the dealer look at it and he confirmed faulty contacts on the switch. I believe the quote was in the neighborhood of $500-$700.
svalleynsx said:
When you say, your '91 has no "keyless entry", aren't all stock factory NSX alarms keyless entry type?

No. The alarm was standard equipment on the '91. The keyless entry unit was a dealer-installed option.
nsxtacy- do you know off the top of your head what the factory keyless entry runs for($$$)?
As I recall, it sells for $175-250 for the '91-92, and $350-450 for the '93+. And someone recently posted that the '91-92 was sold out. Where's that thread...