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Not sure if I follow some of the comments posted ....... but the mere "fact" that the person has to start with "as a matter of ......." my reactions is: here we go again with the start of a defensive but deliberate spin for the listener is not buying the case made so far, leading to perhaps a partial fib (white lie), outright fabrication of fact as the person believes the facts ought to be, and lastly bold face lie. When I hear a person starting with "as a matter of fact ...... " I tune out or flip the channel; and sadly, more often than not, this seems to be prevalent in our current political culture/discourse.

If one is self assured enough and knows the "facts," then one never starts (or should never start) with an insecure "as a matter of fact ......" If you are disagreeing with the other(s), just state that you disagree and state your position without colorful adjective qualifiers to boost your position. I think it comes across more credible and professional even if you are factually misinformed! Just my $0.02.

What say you?
