The epitome of "Oooops!!!"

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That cop is negligent twice. The gun should never have gone off and if it did go off it should have been a head or body shot. Cops only shoot to kill. She missed.
That cop is negligent twice. The gun should never have gone off and if it did go off it should have been a head or body shot. Cops only shoot to kill. She missed.

Cops are trained to shoot to neutralize the threat, not to kill. Most law enforcement training trains to shoot center of mass, not at the head. This officer's negligence was in placing her finger on the trigger, when one is holding a firearm the finger should always be off the trigger until one is ready to engage a target, I don't think this officer meant to fire the gun.
Let's not forget the ultimate equation:

women + a)_____ = b)_____

In this case, blank "a" would be guns and "b" ......