The Car Quiz

here was my result:

score: 16/30

"You have a moderate interest in cars. You're well acquainted with the 0-60mph times of a few motors, but still haven't a clue what torque means. You aspire to any six cylinder BMW."

anyone wanna trade a bmw six banger for my nsx?
17/30. I suck, but not as much as nicholas421

I got 20/30, but I think a couple of those were good guesses. It still says I'm "poor". I don't see how a normal car junkie could do much better with out using the internet! The "have you test driven a car you can't afford" was a give-me. ;-)

-- Chris

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Same here... 20/30.
I think that question with all the checks and that last one really hurts... otherwise we'd be closer to 25 or 26. Not bad I think.

question 17 with all the check boxes was an odd question

question 18 was kind of a given. I didn't know the answer but I just matched Ferguson to Britain and got it right.
Interesting, I got 15 out of 30, but I only missed 3. I think I got messed up by the question with multiple answers (ie: have you...)


For some reason I couldn't find it.It goes to a page then all I can figure out is how to play the games "incriminating evidence"I got to level 5 (I am not sure if its a good sign


You scored 25 /30
Your rating is wow!
That's pretty good. You're one of those people who save the stickers that come free with car magazines, and then plaster them over your fridge. Watching Ronin made you want an Audi S8. You open your window when driving through tunnels.
Hey, what if we make the same type of quiz, but make it all NSX related. I've got some questions that I think would be difficult but not obscure. I just wouldn't know how to put them into a web-quiz format. Maybe someone can collect 30 questions and create a simple webpage quiz!