The car gods are mad at me...NSX horror story

6 March 2005
Canyon Lake, Texas
I start this thread with these words, I apologize for the language, the offensive tone and such but, I wrote this last night immeadiately after "the incident". Lest you think me careless or something I will add that my home is less than .5 mile from the Texas School for the Blind. I am very cautious driving near the school...but none the less this is what went down!

OK...The happened only 15 minutes me. Let me preface this with the fact that I just a few days prior to this evening had a very odd tire problem, which killed my brand new 1500 mile front Pirelli P-0.(the valve stem just freaking broke in half while driving on the highway...and yes it was normal speed, maybe 5 over the limit.). A few hundred dollars later that will be all good.

So here I am driving my precious little red NSX home from work at 10:00pm...with my homie-chrome 2 front stock wheels and my sweet ass OZ Superleggra 18 inch rears...looks stupid but until the new Pirelli rubber arrives it is either this or walk. I am going about 15 mph when I initiate the turn onto the road leading to the road my house is on. This is a trurn from a major urban street onto a semi minor urban street (still has stoplights and stuff but two lanes)...a car is coming up fast from the rear as I initiate the turn...much to my surprise I see three blind drunks in the street with their canes. How do I know they were drunk you ask? The main character in the following story was doing some sort of dance in the middle of the street, the other two were not far from him but they were at a safe distance. I stop quickly, still partially in the intersection but the car behind me manages to avoid hitting me by a foot or so. I have managed to stop about 6 feet short of the nearest drunk/blind/cane using freak. He really is blind I know because of the way he ran backwards perfectly stepping on to the curve in reverse motion.

He proceeds to walk back directly in front of my little pretty alloy bodied car and do the most amazing pseudo ninja fucking thing I have ever seen. I am unable to predict for some reason what came next. He expertly breaks the cane in two at the center by pulling each half away from the other. Next he pulls them FAR apart, to my amazement there is what resembles a small peice of ski rope joining the two halves. He raises up and steps forward whipping the full wrath of this fucking ninja-numb-chuck fucking thing at my car...the sharp end strikes the hood about 1/3 of the way between the areas above the headlights to the right of center. He then steps backwards onto the sidewalk once again, he and his friends are fucking laughing.

I drive forward about 30 feet since I want to be clear of the numb-chuck cane throw by a few seconds of drunk blind mother-fucker walking. I get out, calmy pull the e-brake and place the car in gear before turning off the motor. I turn off the lights. An increadible peace comes over me, do not get me wrong, I was fucking pissed but, there was a peace like I had been stuffed up Buda's ass or something. Immeadiatly I think it a bad idea to brandish the .45 calibler pistol, the benchmade knife or the Arizona Iced Tea glass bottle sitting on or under the seat under neath me. Like I said a real sense of peace, like a message from the great beyond that said, "do not fuck yourself anymore than this asshole just fucked you."

I walk back to them, they are all on the sidwalk now, a blind female, another bling male and the blind peice of crap that strated all of this. I approach him, he rears back his cane yet again.

I speak calmly, very much so for my state of mind. I say, "that is a bad idea, you really do not want to swing that thing and fuck-off your life do you?"

He says, "you about killed me, you stopped less than two feet from me."

I simply say, "I stopped man, I fucking stopped. Bottom line, I stopped and I did not hit you. I stopped about six feet from you. You walked towards me to strike the car."

He says a slurred, "fuck you, how could I have hit your car from 6 feet with this cane (now collapsed).

I inform him and his group of 45-55 year old buddies that, "I saw that ninja-numb-chuck fucking cane of his" They immeadiatly began to snicker and laugh. I am near tears now, the rage is building.

The woman has been on the phone with the cops since the I first walked up. I had just had a beer prior to leaving the shop only 5 minutes before all of this madness. I am imagining how well that was going to go over with them. The scenario plays out in my head...I have beer on the breath, 5 minutes before there was beer in my mouth, I will blow hot on a breathalyzer if taken at the scene probably even though it was just one beer all night. They will say I was driving crazy or something, cops will look at me, my red race/sports car and then listen to what the three of them have to say. I will go jail if I wait for the cops. I do not really ever interact with on-duty police much. I handle my own shit. In this case if I stay they will probably not see me as the victim, if I beat the shit out of a blind person no jury will see me as the victim. I have no real out.

The other male is trying to difuse the situation from escalating because he obviously had more common sence than his never gonna see another fucking thing friend. He tells me that maybe his friend was scared, no argument about the reality of the situation.

I said a few more less nice things to the aggressor hoping he would take it to the pyhsical level now, he was smart enough not to. I took a nice long look at his face from about 12 inches away, to remember it, to savor it, to imagine how it would look if I struck him as hard as he struck my car (the only nice thing I have ever owned no less, until today 150,000 miles into a flawless body and paint job) with his own cane.

I told him from a foot away from his now smiling face that he was very fortunant that I was as nice as I am, that he could have a 1/2 inch hole clean through his dumb fucking head right now if I were not so nice. He laughed at me. The peace returned, I walked back to my car.

I did not look at the hood until I got home. As soon as that cane struck my aluminum hood I knew not to look at it until I was away from there. It made an incredible sound when it struck, I knew it was going to be bad. I knew in a millisecond that beating up or smoking one of these people was a really bad idea. That no less makes me feel no better. There is a special feeling the day after you beat the shit out of someone, your knuckles are raw, bleeding, your wrists are sore as hell, you usually have a few incidental wounds from the other guy. I need that feeling to get over this...I really do. Sleep and another beer will help...but really what the fuck happended tonight.

The animal inside me wants to tear that asshole apart. The only way this night could have been a more perfect trifecta of the bizzaar would for them to have been drunk/blind/MIDGETS!

I guess the bottom line is that I was in the right, I did not hit anyone, I stopped safely and without even screaching the tires. I was not driving fast, I was not driving unsafely. That dude obviously has a huge Karmic debt. The hood on my car is like $2000 or more.

I am proud of myself for not hitting the idiot. I am proud that I did not take his cane and create a dent in his skull to match the one on my hood.

I feel like shit and am going to bed. I may have to find a way to track him down and take his cane form him as a least I would smile every time I saw the cane.

wow, that really suks :mad: you have an excuse to upgrade your hood... :wink:
Damn thats a crazy ass story!

Sorry about the damage to ur car man.

Put in the same situation, I'm not sure i could have controlled myself the way you did...
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That sucks big time. I would have snapped. :mad:

So the blind girl was on the phone with the police? What was she saying? And did the vehicle behind you witness the whole thing? If so, I would have waited for the police (and risked the "hot" breathalizer) to try and get some justice.

If there were no witnesses, I would consider giving the ninja a beating and then driving off. How are the three of them going to describe you to the police? :tongue: ("Sounded like a Taitec, but I'm not sure." :rolleyes: )

Anyhoo, kudos for keeping your temper in check. You're a better man than I.
Wow that sounds like something out of a movie. I think its time for a type r hood :biggrin:
It is time to head for the lake and take out some serious aggression on my pair of stand up vintage Kawasaki Jet Skis...after the 10th or 20th fall from speed I am sure this will be a distant memory.

What is the best fitting aftermarket hood? Does it still allow for the space saver tire up front or do you need to just put a full size one in the rear trunk?

How much are these aftermarket hoods?
OK, the orange jet ski just sucked a f-ing bolt through the carb, then the took out a cylinder and piston...not my week mechanically. Maybe the 650cc ski will make through this weekend....aaarrggghhh.
Well sorry to hear that but that is why we have insurance with comprehensive coverage - clearly this was an act of vandalism to your car.

Glad to see that you took the high road and did not do anything to land your butt in jail facing real problems. A car hood can always be repaired and repainted. Felony convictions are for life my friend.

As for the drunk, blind person, try to walk a mile in his shoes - it must suck to be him and never be able to appreciate the beauty of our cars or the sight of a cute petite girl in a short yellow shirt....... ooops, sorry.

You have an amazing degree of self-control and the ability to think through alternative actions and their likely consequences while under duress. I commend you.

Micah / AF1 Racing said:
Does it still allow for the space saver tire up front or do you need to just put a full size one in the rear trunk?
I think the usual practice is that if you get a flat, you call for a tow.

Cairo94507 said:
As for the drunk, blind person, try to walk a mile in his shoes
I would be sympathetic if he weren't out damaging others' property. There's absolutely no excuse for that.
Sorry for the old man lecture but here it goes. :frown:

Rule of thumb. Do not have one beer and get behind the wheel.

It is too risky on the road and a great way to forfeit your freedom in more ways than one.
Here you gave up your freedom and right to hold this jerk accountable for his actions. That one beer is what you are paying for not this idiot attacking your car.
Fate gave you a warning and you handled it very well. Think about it before you test your luck and drive after having one beer again. :wink:

I can't blame you for being pissed. My wife and I were driving with the top off my car when a large (300 lbs plus) drunk woman was standing in the street, in a rage, attacking, hitting and kicking cars. I stopped about two cars away from her and when she saw me she headed right for my car and looked like she was going to jump on the hood.
I popped over the windshield and said as loudly as possible "lady if you touch my car I'll kick the shit out of you!"
She jumped, snapped out of it, eyes large as saucers and got on the side walk and saying "you're nuts" as I glared and drove past.
I got lucky, I didn't have to back up my threat and don't think I would. I wish you had been more lucky too, but if you think of it, maybe you were. :smile:
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that is an amazing story. It is shocking what people do just to see if they can justify/get away with. Since he didn't have anything to lose, it didn't bother him to destroy other peoples belongings.
So as I read and understand this. Would you have stayed and waited for cops if you had not just had a beer?
What would've been the best case had you stayed? He gets arrested and taken to jail and given free room and board, food and cable TV. Yeah, that sounds real bad for him. :rolleyes: It doesn't sound like he was in any condition to be able to make good on damaging your property.
92NSX said:
What would've been the best case had you stayed? He gets arrested and taken to jail and given free room and board, food and cable TV. Yeah, that sounds real bad for him. :rolleyes: It doesn't sound like he was in any condition to be able to make good on damaging your property.

He may not of been in any condition to pay him then and there but that doesn't mean he can't or couldn't of collected if he had pressed charges.
The post said he was blind and drunk not destitute. If he has assets or a job he could be made to pay restitution. That can happen here in NY I don't know if it can where this happened.
I popped over the windshield and said as loudly as possible "lady if you touch my car I'll kick the shit out of you!"
She jumped, snapped out of it,
Hmmm, I know state laws are different, but if you are really jumping out the car and kind of get physical with her with the purpose of keep her away from your car (protecting your property) could it be count as "self protection"??

I'm concerned and feel very sad about Micah's case. As my flawless car had been kicked on the quarter panel by a drunk dude... Very close scenerio, he ran out the intersection, I stopped without hitting him, he must have though I wanted to run over him.. then as I passed him, he turned around and kick it...

If he has assets or a job he could be made to pay restitution. That can happen here in NY I don't know if it can where this happened.
By law, it is, my insurance took care of that, so I just need to pay $100 for the deductable... It's 10 months from now, I still haven't get that $100 back, last time I checked, the guy flat out denied it had happened... Even Police did book him and I got a case# on my hand.
NSXDreamer2 said:
Hmmm, I know state laws are different, but if you are really jumping out the car and kind of get physical with her with the purpose of keep her away from your car (protecting your property) could it be count as "self protection"??

I didn't get out of my car, I leaned over my windshield from the inside and if it came down to it, I don't believe I would have physically confronted her or anyone else in a similar situation. It just doesn't pay.
I took a shot that it would intimidate her and /or snap her out of it long enough to escape, and it did.
Fixing the car is better than being arrested, injured and my having my name in the newspaper.
I don't think assault is the proper response to vandalism, calling the Police is. That's their job. :wink:

In my state, NY, you can file for restitution. Can you in yours?
HAHAHA....Sorry for your ordeal, but that is the funniest shit I've ever read.

You could of beat all their asses, they could NEVER have described your face, how you look , or even the color of your car.... :biggrin:

Best of luck
Sorry to hear about your incident, but its a good thing you had a cool head. Imagine telling a judge: "yes, you honor, I did kick the sh!t out of a blind guy, but he was drunk...well, yes, I had a beer too". No win situation there.

I had a similar "calming" feeling last month when an idiot on the fwy sprayed gravel from the shoulder on to my NSX (its in the shop now getting the nose repainted). The other driver smashed into a wall, so I was able to catch him. When I walked up to his totalled car, I thought I was going to go nuts on him. Surprisingly, I, like you, was pretty calm. Weird feeling. Glad I have insurance - wait until their insurance company gets the bill from my insurance co. :eek:

Cairo94507 said:
appreciate the sight of a cute petite girl in a short yellow shirt....... ooops, sorry.

I know of whom you speak. :wink: I took lots of pics in front of Ken's car. I had fun at the at Acura of Stockton meet too.
What a weird night! You handled things very well, probably better than I would have.

I beleive I would be making a trip to the administrative offices of the school for the blind in the near future to tell my story, show them my NSX and ask what they were going to do to keep the drunk blind ninja posse out of the middle of the road at night from now on.
I am both Jekyll and Hyde just like like my NSX. I can be the most loving uncle to my nephews and niece but on the road you hurt my baby I break your head. :biggrin:
To me, just from the way you worded your post i can tell you showed an incredible amount of self-restraint. well done.
I would probably cross your line if they did that to my daily driver, much less the nsx!
Good luck, hopefully you can get redemption
In the future, always have a cellphone that can shoot video and pictures.

In this case, you have a physical record to pursue these mfers in court with at a later date. You could show up at the school and find this guy. With the footage/pics you shoot, you have an easy case to win in small claims court, even against a blind man. Blind or not, judges aren't going to give people passes for slamming canes down on hoods.
I am over it NSX or not it is "just a car". I have finally gotten to a place where my time and my life are precious, I did not do him in because of of sympathy for him but, rather a desire to preserve what I find to be valuable in my not going to jail and stuff.

Would I have waited for the cops if I had not had a beer...probably not that way either. I tend to live a police free life other than the occasional ticket. I do not think the cops would see me as the victim either least in my experiences with the police around here.

If I see him again and am feeling feisty his cane will become my cane, my $3,000 trophy from a really weird night.

When I got home I was so pissed off...I just started typing so at least everyone else could enjoy what turned out to be a pretty funny story. My car will be fixed in time. I do have full coverage insurance, but a deductable higher than most would imagine possible. If not for my credit score I could not have gone as high on the deductible and would have never gotten the car since I managed to get the insurance down to less than $100 per month. $100/month a pretty freaking good deal on insurance in the Austin area for an NSX.

A child once threw a half/brick at my BMW 320i as I was driving in Dallas (bad part of town). I followed him into a house which turned out to be his grandparents home. They refused to beleive me when I told them what happened and that really made me even more mad than this, due to the fact had he been a better shot he could have killed me or someone else. I just had the small satisfaction that the child in this case was scared to Death and did probably learn at least some kind of lesson. Old age and trechory, you know what they say about that.

Thanks to all of you for the comments and support. It would have been an even worse weekend without you guys.
I could not help but laugh as I read your horror story. Obviously, I am sympathetic. It is just that your verbage was funny as hell. You should send this story in to Quentin Tarintino to use in one of his movies. :biggrin: