The best way to dry taillight??

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
I brought my car into body shop for fixing some minor damage, they took the taillight out but refused to get me the new gasket.... I finally got my new gasket and I proceed to install myself... I found that they didn't tight the light down too well, maybe that's the reason of the leak? I don't know.

My trunk is dry, so only the tailight got in a lot of water, I used heat gun on both lights for more than 4 hours, and the water still there.

I'm not too certain of the drilling method, since I got the new gasket and my light never had water leakage before, wondering if there's any other way to dry the lights... Please help.
Have you tried removing your tail light and blowing through it with a blowdryer? They aren't all that difficult to remove so that's probably your fastest method. If you could just heat up the air in there then the moisture would evaporate.
thanks for your reply... The 4 hours I spent is with the lights out... I was using heat gun and also putting one on the room heater while I'm heating another one...

There must be a lot of water in there. If you have access to desiccant air, that'd prolly be a little faster. :) As long as the air is warm and it circulates, it should cause the water to vaporize and evaporate. Warm air in, warm air out... Maybe a desiccant like silica gel might speed things up (you can buy it in the dry flower section at Walmart) but you'd have to contain it somehow so that it doesn't make a mess. Short of taking the lights apart (do not attempt to do that), your best best is dry warm air and time.
Take the taillight out and till it to form 7 shape. Water will go out through the bottom. After that leave it to dry and put it back in.The work s not that tough but a bit time consuming. Remember to take off the center piece first.

Once you have put on the new gasket there should not be any leak. I had the same problem before. Now mine is okay with the new gaskets.