The best "chicken joke" ever?

10 September 2002
Found this while cruising the web.

Haha, PHOEN$X does it again!!:D
Hey phoen$x... actually i have to dispute this as being the best chicken joke;

<B>"Why did chicken cross the road?"
1) It was afraid the road would kill him first.
2) Because it was playing 'chicken'...

ROFL ROFL ROFL... i made those up!

last year i was reading some "why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes with mates when we tried to personalize it. So for a mate of mine into linux, the chicken crossed the road to get the
next redhat distribution, blah, blah.... u get the idea....

when if came my turn... it was "Why did chicken cross the road?" to which i replied "that's where his NSX was parked".... ROFL ROFL... :p

ok... that wasn't funny, but i thought it was at the time.... ;)
I have BMWs and am very happily equiped thank you very much :D....but then again a Z3 isn't a real BMW :p....

..that said, this is why people buy Porsche targas instead of NSXts when the NSX is similarly priced (round 80k) but with minor options, the 'frog' is far more expensive.

Moral? Porsches suck. :cool: Why? cuz I am detverting off the size issue.

EDIT: why is a Z3 not a real BMW? Cuz BMW makes GTs...the brits make roadsters.