The Art of Shaving...

2 March 2003
San Francisco
I recently read an article about, "The Art of Shaving." The gist of the article was that most of us shave every day and most of take it for granted. It suggested that because we do it every day, we actually should make it a special, zen like experience. Well, because I am retired, sometimes board, shave every day and look for new types of experiences in life, I thought I would give it a shot.

First thing I did was purchase a "fog less" mirror for my shower. It's a neat little unit. You fill the reservoir on the back of the mirror with shower water and it never gets "fog." It even has a little built-in squeegee.

I bought a pure, fine badger brush to use with the shaving soap, which is formulated with glycerin and coconut oil which is held in this neat teak, refillable container.

I got two different types of pre-shave oils. I have a sandalwood and a black pepper oil, but there are thousands available. The pre-shave oils are used to soften the beard and prepare the skin for the shave prior to applying the shaving soap.

Then I purchased a classic "Futur" safety razor made by Merker in Germany along with Merker double edge blades.

Bottom line... I have to tell you, this is a great way to start your day. It feels great and the results are fantastic. It only takes a few more minutes then that Bic or Gillette with that stuff out of a can while you're leaning over the sink. And, who doesn't like standing in a hot shower for a few extra minutes.


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It is so hard to spend anymore time than absolutely necesary,but some folks did apreciate the finer points of shaving and the fact that we are all doing it wrong

Thanks for the post Doc. Funny to read that post. I really liked the one from Hal. I guess I'll get a nasty post on this or an e-mail or perhaps a phone call from him as he uses his Gillette or other product from Costco.:biggrin:

Never the less, it really is a wonderful experience.
I have the unfortunate blessing of extremely thick facial hair with overly sensitive skin. No matter what I've used, I can never shave 'up' on consecutive days; only 'down'. I may have to try this.
And, who doesn't like stanking in a hot shower for a few extra minutes.
werd: i can't speak for anyone else, but i know i like to spend a few extra minutes stanking in the shower every morning :biggrin: (truth be told, when i was young, single and drinking, it was often skanking in the shower for a few extra minutes each morning... but then i got old and, well... i'm reduced to stanking.)

(i almost let that slide but given your special comments directed toward me, the keyboard just kept drawing my fingers closer....
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I have the unfortunate blessing of extremely thick facial hair with overly sensitive skin. No matter what I've used, I can never shave 'up' on consecutive days; only 'down'. I may have to try this.

yep....i ditched the razor and use hair clippers for a not so close 12 o'clock shadow-like shave every couple days or so. :tongue:
Bottom line... I have to tell you, this is a great way to start your day. It feels great and the results are fantastic. It only takes a few more minutes then that Bic or Gillette with that stuff out of a can while you're leaning over the sink. And, who doesn't like stanking in a hot shower for a few extra minutes.

I had to learn from trial and error into a great shave b/c shaving the way my Gpa taught me, tore my face up. I commend you in your choice of products and preparation.

Preparation, technique, and the correct application of the right products are the keys. I use the brand and a Mach 3 head and have for years.

Doug, when your badger hair brush goes kaput (should be a few years depending on the quality of the brush) look into getting a silvertip badger brush. The difference is noticeable in the softness of the brush hair while still lifting your facial hair up to shave.
When I was in college one of the town barbers we used to call "Blind Ralph" (extremely near sighted) used to offer a hot shave with your haircut- This was the reason why everyone in my fraternity went to Ralph for haircuts. He did the whole deal with the hot towel, straight razor and strop, and a mug full of shaving cream.

The experience was the equivalent getting a really good detail on your car as opposed to just running it through a car wash.
I have been using an electric razor for many years now. Not as close as a blade I suppose but very convenient.
I love hot warm shaving cream and straight blade at the barber. I want to do the same at home. how do I get that old school shaving cream and have it warm when it despencess. I would love to learn how to use a striaght blade on my self as well. Once a week would be Great to do this. I would pay my barber but he charges $25 JUst for the shave.:eek: But he does shave half your face with the haircut and I love the way it feels when its done...
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If you want to just give this a try, you can buy a shaving soap and brush at the grocery store. Just pop the soap in a coffee cup and use some hot water on the brush. One thing that I think makes a great difference is the shaving oil before the shaving soap.

Be nice to yourself.:biggrin:
I only shave twice a week whether I need it or not...:wink:
I shave in the shower myself although I don't use all the oils and stuff. I also got the fogless mirror and I actually used car wax on it to that it never fogs up on me. I use regular soap to shave with as the regular shave creams don't stay on in the shower.
I thought at first you guys were talking about "The Art of Shaving" store since you mentioned Sandalwood.

I use their pre-shave and their shaving cream and prefer the Sandalwood to any of the others they sell. At $22 the shaving cream seems expensive but it lasts me months. I can't quite justify the price for their razors or the badger brushes, but since using their products I get a much better shave than I ever did using something like Barbasol or Foamy. I've also got their travel kit which is great for taking on vacations.
^I use the lavender version. The oil and brush for me are must-haves and definitely worth it. I have the basic badger brush that they offer but I'm sure down the line I'll put the money into getting a better brush. Right now this will suffice and is doing quite well.
I hate shaving. It's such a PITA and it's like little miniature tree stumps grow where other people have hair. My hair is so damn thick it wipes out a blade every time, well I could use it twice if I wanted to shred my face. I am going on my 4th day now but I am leaving later so I have to shave pretty soon or look like a bum. If it were summer time I'd just leave it and do the sandals/shorts thing.

My daughter is always telling me my face is too scratchy!

BTW, I love the shave in the shower thing and when I re-do the master I am running a pipe loop in the wall so I can run hot water through it and put a mirror in place of one tile. This will also serve as a loop to keep constant hot water at the tap, filters it back to the HWH cold side until it raises above 110 or drops below 95 degrees. I am also going to build a rack and have it chromed so the shower is like a rain storm. As well I am putting 2 heat ducts right above the shower that can be individually turned on through a solenoid when the water is turned on so the shower air and water temperature is blazing hot!
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BTW, I love the shave in the shower thing and when I re-do the master I am running a pipe loop in the wall so I can run hot water through it and put a mirror in place of one tile. This will also serve as a loop to keep constant hot water at the tap, filters it back to the HWH cold side until it raises above 110 or drops below 95 degrees. I am also going to build a rack and have it chromed so the shower is like a rain storm. As well I am putting 2 heat ducts right above the shower that can be individually turned on through a solenoid when the water is turned on so the shower air and water temperature is blazing hot!

Yep. That right there would be perfect.
I hate shaving. It's such a PITA and it's like little miniature tree stumps grow where other people have hair. My hair is so damn thick it wipes out a blade every time, well I could use it twice if I wanted to shred my face. I am going on my 4th day now but I am leaving later so I have to shave pretty soon or look like a bum. If it were summer time I'd just leave it and do the sandals/shorts thing.

x2 - hate it- this is why i switched to the metal hair clippers....traditional razor leaves bumps on my neck and is gone after a couple shaves. and those damn mach 3 blades get expensive.

BTW, I love the shave in the shower thing and when I re-do the master I am running a pipe loop in the wall so I can run hot water through it and put a mirror in place of one tile. This will also serve as a loop to keep constant hot water at the tap, filters it back to the HWH cold side until it raises above 110 or drops below 95 degrees. I am also going to build a rack and have it chromed so the shower is like a rain storm. As well I am putting 2 heat ducts right above the shower that can be individually turned on through a solenoid when the water is turned on so the shower air and water temperature is blazing hot!

And I can't say my master shower is as luxurious, so I will have to see pics of this when its done. :eek:
You wussies with your shave oils. :rolleyes::tongue:

I shave in the shower with just the razor, nothing else. I use a gillette sensor or something..

I heard somewhere that folks with thick facial hair have no business using double/triple blades as the incidence of in grown hair and nasty bumps are all too common. Since I was having similar issues and my dad has it in a bad way, decided to change my ways early in life.

Moved from triple blade gillette to a straight razor to a Feather with replaceable surgical steel blades! Perfect edge could not sharpen the straight razors and forced me to move up, the feather is scary sharp, each blade lasts me like 5 shaves and costs some 10 cents. It has a scary reputation however: the first time I put the feather to my cheek, it took physical effort to slide it.. scary images of my sliced cheek were flying through my head.. I managed to do it and now a couple of years later, love the process.

I love the Proraso Eucalyptus pre-shave cream, gives you that super cool feel when you splash water on it. For shaving creams, Having experimented with the Art of shaving stuff and Crabtree & Evelyn ones, I am now with "Taylor of old bond street". Amazon carries a great selection at a very good price.

And yes, I agree whole heartedly: it is now a very involved experience and demands my full attention. Fun actually! Plus I get to buy rose and lavender scented products ;-).
I tried a sample from the Art of Shaving store and really liked it. I just ordered the Unscented Kit for $90 on Amazon. Looking forward to using it again.
Brett Keisel had the right idea!

I shave my face with rocks and no water, so it bleeds just enough so I can use as teaser for boars to come hungry so I can eat them for bfast, while i shave my face with rocks, my pet Lion chews my legs just for fun, I don't feel any pain, I am a man! LOLOL

OK, I have full beard, but I need to shave the bottom part everyday with soap and whatever the latest mach3-super turbo whatever Gillette razor is in the market, I can't even IMAGINE myself w/o beard and doing the whole face everyday, with oils etc, that's just gay! JK, it must be a "zen" moment I don't get -yet- lol
