The Acura HSC???

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
I'm sorry, but that just dosen't sound right...With everyone saying the NSX is dead, but the HSC is next, I just don't see it being marketed as a Honda here in the States...I think Honda is smart enough to put an 'A' badge on it if they want 90K+ for it...That is why I have a feeling that it will be called the new NSX or maybe the Acura NSX version 3.0 :confused: :smile: :biggrin: I just don't see it being called the HSC here in America...
The car was on display at the Shanghai auto show a month ago. I think this is a definite go for Honda or else they would not have gone to the great expense to display a model to having an Acura badge vs Honda, with the present sales volume of Acura doing well in the States. One would not expect otherwise. the question is when we will see this car, I imagine it will be max, 2007.
Aside the guess that this topic should be in the "2nd generation" forum: I doubt that if a successor for the NSX would come, that it would be marketed as a "Honda" in the U.S. - it would be a Acura as all the the other "high end" Hondas there. OTOH that would strengthen my suspicion that "HSC" (where H stands for Honda) wouldn't be the official name for the series model worldwide (there are other reasons which I stated in another thread).

Of course there are no plans to introduce Acura as a new brand in Europe (or elsewhere) so a NSX successor would still be called Honda here.
Speaking of the name NSX. It stood for New Sportscar Experimental right? Would a 2nd generation really fit that name since it wouldn't exactly be a new experiment anymore? Just wondering. Maybe that is way Honda said the NSX is dead. Maybe they just meant the name and will bring its successor our with another name.
what's in a name?!?

NSX-Racer said:
... OTOH that would strengthen my suspicion that "HSC" (where H stands for Honda) wouldn't be the official name for the series model worldwide (there are other reasons which I stated in another thread). . .

hmmm... From my recollection, the 'H' in "HSC" denotes Hybrid- as in Hybrid Sports Concept.

Nonetheless, it most probably won't be called "HSC" as the hybrid/electric duality w/ a combustion engine doesn't seem likely for a high-end sportscar (or so it seems). I'd personally welcome hybrid technology on Honda/Acura's next uber-sportscar!
Re: what's in a name?!?

NSX-Racer said:
No, it has no hybrid engine according to the press release.
But - according to this source - I'm wrong too :wink:

So, I guess it should be called the "HPSC" :confused: :biggrin: