The $40k Dilema

5 March 2003
N. Tx
This is a hypothetical question;)

If you were to spend your hard earned $40k(US) on a car in 2005. Would you go for:

a. The Lotus elise- 190 hp toyota engine, 2000 lbs, great track car.
b. C6 corvette- 3000 lbs, 400 hp. will need some help but should be a good track car, and a great non track car.


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Hmm.... (you forgot the poll)

I'd take plan C - in 2005 I'd use the $40k as a deposit on a <A HREF="">450hp HSC</A>. :D

...or plan D) buy a second-hand NSX from someone who is doing plan (C) :D

Toyota motor and Tranny = daily driver!
since you already have the NSX, keep your hard earned $40K for something else such as savings, home improvement, and etc. If you really feel about wasting it, try taking a tour around the world!!! :D
$40k for the C6? I'll take it at that price! It will probably be around $50k when it's available.

BTW, how many people have a Lotus dealer nearby to handle the inevitable warranty work?
A qualification for a vaild response....

Should be previous Lotus ownership. With a possible variance for currenty GM ownership of Lotus. I had a Europa Twin Cam. You did not drive it, you wore it. Best handling machine at lower speeds I have ever driven. It required regular maintenance and sometimes immediate repairs to keep road worthy. Possibly the reliability has improved under GM ownership.
Screw the C6 (I am under 50 and don't watch NASCAR), I would rather have the Exige rarer yet, and looks cooler too! I already have several other road cars, so I wouldn't need the street legal version. Although the benefit to the new Elise is that all the turbo and charger kits out for the Celica should be able to work on that motor too for some V8 equaling straightline power to go with the V8 beating handling.
Hey I got some responses.

I'm not much of a Badge snob. I mean a Z06 runs like stink, and keeps up with a 911 turbo. I could have easily bought the z06 when I got my NSX. I just didn't want to buy a car that I didn't find attractive, and I knew that the C6 is coming out soon.

Leftlane, I know that a C6 will start at $45k and be around $48k+ with basic options. However, with all the discount that GM runs(credit card, AMWAY, family members who might be employees in GM owned companies)- I think I can get the sticker lowered. Besides, with all the demand, I feel that Lotus with add a markup to the elise.

So, It may become a $43k question.
this is a no brainer, the ELISE!!!

car is bad to the bone in all aspects. Yes the vette is a nice car but its not even half as nice and exotic as the Elise. I can write paragraphs on it but do some research and you will see. it will be the Toyoto provided motor with the 6 speed. Almost identical to the one in the current Celica GTS. Bullet proof motor and proven. The output is very similar to the euro version of the car so it will retain many of the spec numbers the euro version is capable of. I personally feel the US spec one will be better and easier to tune than the euro spec one. Just look at all the bolt on's you can get for the Celica now...imagine the possibilites :D

I have some vids of a stock Elise on a track with a C5 and it hangs with it everywhere except the straights. Also have a vid of the Elise on track with an F50, again anywhere but the straights it kept up with it. Amazing car if you consider the technology that went into it. The chassis is bonded together with a glue!!!!!!!!

I will be attending the unveiling of the Elise this spring as my good friend is the local Lambo/Lotus dealer here in town. He told me he has pre-sold close to 30 or so with deposits.

Lotus Elise > Vette

all in my humble opinion ;)


You said:

"I have some vids of a stock Elise on a track with a C5 and it hangs with it everywhere except the straights"

Another way to phrase that would be: " The C5 hangs with a much smaller and lighter Elise through the twisties, and walks away from it in the straightaways".

I think most people have to agree - there is definitely some "badge snobbery" when it comes to the Vette. It holds it's own against just about all comers. I used to own one myself, and I'm "under 50 and don't like NASCAR". :rolleyes:

Ask anyone who has owned an Esprit - a great car when it runs, but idled way too often for a car of that cost.

Just pointing out that propaganda is alive and well!:D


2 more things - did your friend mention what he was selling the Elise for? Also, can you imagine the wait to get your Elise serviced at that dealer, behind all the Lambos in need of TLC?:eek:

Also, Toyota just announced the death of the Celica - FYI.
LeftLane said:
You said:

"I have some vids of a stock Elise on a track with a C5 and it hangs with it everywhere except the straights"

Another way to phrase that would be: " The C5 hangs with a much smaller and lighter Elise through the twisties, and walks away from it in the straightaways".

I think most people have to agree - there is definitely some "badge snobbery" when it comes to the Vette. It holds it's own against just about all comers. I used to own one myself, and I'm "under 50 and don't like NASCAR". :rolleyes:

Ask anyone who has owned an Esprit - a great car when it runs, but idled way too often for a car of that cost.

Just pointing out that propaganda is alive and well!:D


heheh touche Todd!!! ;)

I will accept your points except on the Esprit. my friend has one and its an outstanding car. Service is nothing more than the standard stuff and it runs like a watch. Yes propoganda ia alive and well so make of it what you think :)


I'd probably go with the C6. (And I'm well under 50 and hate NASCAR.) Yea, the Elise is a looker and would make a hell of an auto-xer but I already find my S2000 marginally challenging as a daily driver. I can't imagine trying to find a place to stow my bass in an Elise! And with the base C6 being lighter than the current Z06, it's going to be a hell of a car. I could care less about brand snobbery, I drive a Honda for God's sake! :p :D