that "yellow light"

18 October 2004
Moutain View, Ca
I bought my 98 about 4 weeks ago, and the owner didn't have a manual, so here is my question...I was testing the 0-60 limits of the car earlier today, and about 1-2K RPM's from redline in 1st gear, this yellow light comes on and off at the top of the instrumentation. It wasn't on long enough for me to see the logo, since it disappeared either after a split second, or after I shift to 2nd. Since I don't have the manual, can someone shed some light on this?
Probably TCS (traction control) - other yellow indicator is ABS.

Tip - turn on ignition without starting - all your test lights will display.
whatisreal7 said:
haha, i feel stupid...thanks! No wonder when I shifted into 2nd it didn't chirp as I expected it to. So if I turned off TCS, I'd be laying tracks on the pavement? =)

Yes....depending on your mods and tires...but take off the TCS "traction control" before doing serious burning out, or drag racing or else you might damage your clutch if your doing hole shots.
whatisreal7 said:
haha, i feel stupid...thanks! No wonder when I shifted into 2nd it didn't chirp as I expected it to. So if I turned off TCS, I'd be laying tracks on the pavement? =)

Be careful, if you shift hard enough, with the traction control off, you can get squirrely really easy. Be sure to only turn the traction control off after your very sure of your RWD powershifting, and youve done it a few times on a deserted road with no one around to practice rwd powershifts without TC.
Modernceo said:
Be careful, if you shift hard enough, with the traction control off, you can get squirrely really easy. Be sure to only turn the traction control off after your very sure of your RWD powershifting, and youve done it a few times on a deserted road with no one around to practice rwd powershifts without TC.

make sure there is no inanimate(non movable) objects either, or high curbs, or steep cliffs/drops, or etc.......

have fun! :biggrin: