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    Caveat Emptor!

Thanks SOS!

1 December 2009
You have turned a potentially horrific day into another walk in the park!

Driving to work, with the windows down (I actually just left SOS after purchasing factory emblems finally), and I change lanes over a road reflector and hear a THUD in the drivers door.

I think nothing of it for a second, and then try to roll the window up... and nothing happens.


I arrive at work, and upon closer audio inspection, the motor is whirring and I can hear the cable flying around inside.

I call Geoff and he lets me know (thank god I was sitting down) the price of a new one but then mentions that it COULD be just a little plastic piece that broke.

So I proceed to take the door apart in the parking lot of my work to find that the cable appears to be intact.


So I call and speak with my fixit Fej and he walks me through what I am looking at over the phone and he is pretty sure its not the regulator.

So I drive it over to them near 6pm (closing time) and Fej comes out and takes a look at it with me, explains how the system works, and gets me setup with the proper parts to fix both doors.

He could have just tossed me the parts and said good luck, but he went the extra step and its VERY appreciated.

Thanks EVERYONE at SOS for helping out as usual!
