Thanks Mark Basch

23 August 2001
sacramento, ca, usa
I would like to say thanks to Mark Basch for checking out a 95 black/tan in Phoenix. The car was found to have significant problems. In fact the car is for sale again on Ebay right now. The dealer is Global Motorsports. They even emailed me after Mark did his inspection, and said there were in fact no problems, and Mark didn't know what he was doing. Thanks Mark.
As I said in another thread, you can make almost any car look good in a few low-res photos.

I think it would be helpful to list the inspection problems so anyone else would know what to look for, but it's up to you. You are only stating facts; they are the ones trying to sell it without being straight about the true condition.
I agree with Lud. I am personally just curious, but you would be doing any potential buyer a favor. Besides, if they fixed the problems that should be something they are proud of.
Okay, here's an incomplete list of problems. I don't remember all of them.

Mark said there was water in the coil, don't know what that means and I may have misunderstood. He said the car should not be driven around in this condition, and the catalytic converter was probably damaged as a result. Further damage may also have happened.

The other major problem was that the engine had at one time been completely removed from the car. Mark doesn't know for what reason.

There were also some other minor problems, but these are the ones I remembered.
Originally posted by Lud:
As I said in another thread, you can make almost any car look good in a few low-res photos.

I think it would be helpful to list the inspection problems so anyone else would know what to look for, but it's up to you. You are only stating facts; they are the ones trying to sell it without being straight about the true condition.

The most mind boggling thing about this inspection was the fact that the seller delivers it to my shop for a buyers inspection, with the car running on four or five cylinders. It was misfiring so badly, it couldn't outrun a Neon. I *surmised* that water in the coils was the culprit because it had obviously been just detailed. I asked the seller if it had been running that way for long, and he advised me that the car was running perfectly. I advised him not to drive the car that way as the unburned fuel from the non firing plugs was certainly overheating the cats, and that another 15 or 20 mins of driving like that would certainly ruin one or both cats. When he came to pick up the car, I had 10 NSX's in the shop, at which point he proclaimed I don't know what I am talking about. I proclaimed, "whatever"
Caveat Emptor
Is Global Motorsports the place on the north side of McDowell by Scottsdale Road, just down the road from Acura of Scottsdale?

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Would it be a legal issue if we made a place in the FAQ to list cars that have known problems and/or shady situations surrounding them?

This could help out potential enthusiants check out a car even furthur than resources such as Carfax, etc.

- Sam
There's already a listing in the FAQ of NSX's that have been totalled (some of which are not reported as such by Carfax).

One problem with reporting those with less serious problems is keeping it current; less serious problems might be corrected, yet the listing wouldn't reflect that. Lud?
When he came to pick up the car, I had 10 NSX's in the shop, at which point he proclaimed I don't know what I am talking about. I proclaimed, "whatever"

Love it!

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 04 September 2001).]
Sounds like a quality individual! I've felt an NSX misfiring, and damn, it does not feel FINE. Thanks for the commentary Mark.

Lud -- I think this is a real good idea. However, there should be some kind of audit process in place to govern inaccurate info.

For example: Say someone puts there car up for sale, and a potential buyer inspects the car. Say the buyer and seller do not come to terms, and the potential buyer feel's 'jaded' and posts inaccurate statements about the car. This would upset me as a seller. I know people have been very flustered by Carfax sometimes have inaccurate records, which have spoiled a sale.

-- Chris

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[This message has been edited by ScienceofSpeed (edited 04 September 2001).]
Originally posted by Lud:
Chris - Good point. I would be interested to hear suggestions on how to make that work.

Well, for starters (or alternators)- I think that the posting of derog or other potentially damaging comments should be limited to those made by members of this community in good standing, i.e. someone who has been on this Forum for at least 'x' months, or has made at least 'x' postings over a given period of time and the nature of those postings should be varied, IOW no one should be able to join our little group just for the purpose of slamming someone's deal (ostensibally for all the wrong reasons)
but rather should have a history of fair and balanced comments. That shouldn't be too hard to police.<g> I'll offer to do it in my spare time. <bg>
Also, as Chris mentions, anyone who reports specific problems with a car should be required to post if he later learns that those problems have been addressed. Maybe give the seller these url's and let him / her have the chance to report that the items have been addressed.
Could be cumbersome :-( could be worth it ;-)

Regarding water getting into the coils - this can happen when the coil covers are mounted upside down. Make sure and check that the seal is in the upper position when you install them - I've seen Acura dealers in Atlanta get this wrong. If the covers are properly installed you can wash the engine with no problems, I've done this for over 10 years.
Originally posted by Soichiro:
Regarding water getting into the coils - this can happen when the coil covers are mounted upside down. Make sure and check that the seal is in the upper position when you install them - I've seen Acura dealers in Atlanta get this wrong. If the covers are properly installed you can wash the engine with no problems, I've done this for over 10 years.


Thanks for the follow-up. Mark's Post had me a little concerned.
Originally posted by NSX4U2:

Thanks for the follow-up. Mark's Post had me a little concerned.

Remember guys, these little seals make the coils water RESISTANT, not water proof. You should never hit the coil covers with a high pressure wash wand, it can easily 'overpower' the seals. Soichiro is certainly correct about checking their position- I see them upside down all the time.