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Thanks for the drive on April 26

25 July 2014
Costa Mesa, CA (Southern California)
I just returned from the drive and wanted to say that Jan and I had a great time. Special thanks to Lamar for arranging the route and of course, Les for leading us around. I can't wait for the next one.

For anyone interested, I have posted maps and pictures from the drive on my website. Here is the link.


You will need a password and it is as follows.


I hope you enjoy.


Craig those pictures are just fantastic! Thank you for sharing them. Great job on the website!

Anyways, Thanks to Les and Lamar for one of the most exciting drive ever. ;)

Regards to you Jan
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Yup, thanks LMR and LaMar (not at all confusing by the way) for the great drive!

And thanks for the pics Craig...even if they were taken with a Nikon!

Click on the photo below to link to my shots from the day. I didn't take many, but did actually take some during the drive:

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