Thank you

16 June 2002
I know it is a day early but I wanted to make sure that someone started a thread about this.

I want to personally thank each and every person that either has served or is currently serving this great country we live in.
For the vast majority of us in our everyday lives we probably forget about the brave men and women that put on the uniform of their chosen branch of military and do a job that needs to be done but many don't want to do.
You don't do it for the recognition or for glamour but rather the honor that comes from within yourself knowing that you are fighting for a worthy cause. You are the best in the world at doing what you do but rarely get acknowledged for it. Unless, sadly, you come back home with an American flag draped over you and then people will take a little notice. You have given the ultimate sacrifice and would probably do it again in a moments notice if given the chance.
I have never servced my country in uniform(medical reason) but have a few members of my family that have and still currently and I am extremely proud of them.

Thank You and God bless you and your family for serving.