Thank you to my NSX Family

28 March 2002
As many of you may be aware, my dad passed away the other night after a three year battle with various illnesses. Although no time is a "good" time to lose a family member, it can be extra difficult during the holidays. Add to that the fact that my "natural family" is extremely small so that if everyone attended the wake at the same time we would number less than 20 which can make the proceedings somewhat "lonely", for lack of a better term.

There is another thread asking what people are getting or giving for the holidays and I am humbled to say that I have received the touching gift of my NSX "family" coming together to provide moral and spiritual support during these difficult days. The phone calls, the flowers and the attendance of many of my fellow NSXers at the wake today were not only deeply appreciated by me but also, and most importantly, by my mom. It meant a tremendous amount to her to see so many of my friends pay their respects to someone most had never had the privilege to meet.

Despite his long and debilitating illnesses, my dad still managed to come with me to opening day at Shea Stadium even when he was reduced to going to the game in a wheelchair. After going for the last 28 years, opening day will never be the same but the memories will never fade. So tonight I will share with my "extended family" of NSX owners one of our last photos together taken at the traditional opening day for the Mets. I would also encourage everyone to make time this holiday season to spend a few extra quality moments with your family and continue building the memories that will stay with you forever.

Once again, thank you all for your support and strength and I wish you all the best for the holidays and new year.


My condolences Bob.

He must have been a great man to have raised a son like you.
not gone... just moved on...

Very saddened to hear of this, Bob. Wish you and your family peace & prayers, as well as strength during these days. Our time in this world is merely a stepping stone to what is ultimately in store for us... I can see your father did a rather fine job!

Now you got another set of eyes on you, makin' sure you don't redline in 5th/6th gear on the parkway... :cool:
Bob,you now how we feel,I'm upset that we could not be there to share in your grieving.Family is all we really have in life of importance(we know that now more than ever after having Alex).I can only hope my son will care for me and keep me in his life as you had done for Teddy. I know you,your brother, and your mom will get though this!Be well,We will see you soon.
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Bob - I had no idea. I just glanced through the Northeast section to see if I missed anything. I feel horrible, Karen and I would have definitely stopped by. I'm calling her right now as I type this, she's going to be shocked to hear the news. Please accept our deepest condolences and remember we're right around the corner from you so if you need ANYTHING don't hesitate to call!! Please give your family our best, and we'll see you soon.
God Bless you and your family. I lost my Mom in Dec. also and Christmas hasn't been quite the same . You seemed like you had a great relationship with your Pop as I did with my Mom and if I could tak to her today, there is nothing I could say that I didn't say when she was alive and I hope you feel the same. Time does ease the pain, but the good memories stay forever. Mike
today, i'm a mets fan

bob, my heartfelt condolences to you & your family.
this passage is never easy, or joyous, yet it will be.

but i can promise you that ease and joy will return to your
spirit, and life will renew. it will be.

Sorry for your loss. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family.

I'm sure that you taken many great pictures of your father during the past years that will help to preserve your fond memories of him. :smile:
Bob, I know I'm still a newbie, but my sincerest condolences to you and your family. Having traditions and spending time with our loved ones has got to be one of life's greatest rewards. The memories left behind are an added bonus. May you and all of your family be well.
It is so hard for a man to lose his Dad. For me it was the worst moment of my life. I'm sure it gave your father great comfort and pleasure to see you become the fine man you are. He must of been a wonderful man because you certainly are one too.
The best advice I can give is the advice I got when mine passed and that is: Take some time to be good to yourself.
My love and heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Joe Lomoriello

My condolences goes to you and your family.

I have my first christmas away from my dad/mother/brother since I was born some 34 years ago. I guess it did not hit me until today how much I miss them in times like this. Funny how life keeps you occupied with work so you miss the things that are really importent. If any of them where gone I would be just lost.

I am glad that Prime have proved to be the great community of people that I feel we are. If I can do anything please let me know.

At least his suffering is now over and he has the best seat in the house for the next opener. My grandfather whom I loved so much also passed away around this time two years ago. He suffered so much and beat death so many times it was a miracle. In my heart I didnt want to ever want to see him go but I knew he was tierd and all he wanted was peace. I am glad he found his peace and I am happy for that.

Bob, I am very sorry for your loss. When I lost my dad, one of my professors told me something that was once told to her, when she lost her dad, and to this very day I still find comfort in her words. I hope you too find comfort in them. She said that each of us is like a living monument to our Dad, a testament to the lives they led, and that our fathers live on within us. Your Dad will forever be within you - and he's watching over you too.

Thank you, again, to everyone for your support and sentiments over the past week. On behalf of my family, I also wanted to extend a special thank you to my fellow NSXers who selflessly took themselves away from their own families on Christmas Eve to attend my dad's funeral. I did not get the chance to express my gratitude in person that morning but the comfort they brought to us helped to bring us peace on a difficult holiday morning.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, Bob. I haven't been on this site much lately, but if there's anything I can do, you have my #.