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Thank you SOURCENSX!

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
I just want to let everyone on the board know that SOURCENSX (Brian) is a great person to deal with. The used OEM products that he sells are in tip-top condition. I bought a used OEM headunit and it works perfectly.

Thanks for the great customer service. :smile:
I also have nothing but great things to say about Brian, he was always very straight forward with our transactions.
i recently flew to to ohio to purchase another nsx from Brian...i had to fly into dayton, about an hour north of the location of the vehicle....Brian sent someone to pick us up in....a limo....i was pleasantly surprised...on top of that, he decided to replace the rear tires (even though they had about 50% tread left on them) to ensure a safe drive back to texas...that was also unexpected, but greatly appreciated...all the paperwork had been filled out beforehand and it was only a few minutes before the nsx was technically mine....it was miserably cold and i was overly excited about my purchase, which led me to perform a cursory inspection... it wasn't until we were on the road that i noticed that there were a couple things that had been overlooked....it was no one's fault...the details of what had been overlooked aren't really important....what's important is that upon contacting brian to discuss the issues, i found he was more than accommodating and apologetic for what both of us had overlooked....my companion and i continued our road trip back home, stopping off at some famous places and enjoying the new nsx along the way...when i returned and was able to discuss the details with brian in more depth, he was kind enough to tell me to purchase whatever was needed and have it installed to my satisfaction and that he would take care of the bill...i told him that what really impressed me was how he handled the issue and it was his professionalism that made all the difference for this vehicle purchase....the question that remains is "would i purchase another vehicle from Brian?"

Without a doubt...and for the record, Brian did not ask me to write a review for him, but considering what a good guy he is, i wanted to share my experience for those who may be looking to do business with him in the future...