thank you NSXPO 06 planning committee! Another great NSXPO!

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
Thank you much to the NSXPO 2006 planning committee for another successful NSXPO.

It was great to reconnect with old friends and put new faces with names. It was an honor to meet Mr. Uehara and hear his and Peter Cunningham's heartfelt speeches.

For this event, we were unified by a passion for an automobile. An automobile so well built that "wouldn't it be great if my grandchildren could meet your grandchildren some day driving our NSX". I hope the new generation at Honda can live up to Mr. Uehara's passion.

My only regret was that I could not stay longer.

-- Chris
Chris@SoS said:
Thank you much to the NSXPO 2006 planning committee for another successful NSXPO.

I offer you my personal appreciation for ALL you did to help support this year's NSXPO.

For those who may not know, SOS stepped up to offer significant financial support for this year's NSXPO. In addition, Chris attended in person and hosted one of the technical seminars held on Saturday. I, along with many others, now have a new "to do" list for the long term health of our cars! An ounce of prevention vs several pounds of cure!!

I applaud your commitment to the community and am proud to be an SOS customer.

Best regards,
Scott McKay
'06 NSXPO Committee Member
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TampaBayNSX-R said:
In addition, Chris attended in person and hosted one of the technical seminars held on Saturday. I, along with many others, now have a new "to do" list for the long term health of my car! An ounce of prevention vs several pounds of cure!!

Chris - any chance you can post a cliffs notes version of your technical/preventative maintenance discussion?
Yesterday morning I woke up and laid by the pool, this morning I scraped frost off my windshield. :frown:

A thanks to everyone to put NSXPO together, this was my third straight year, second without my car and it gets better and better every year.

Columbus OHIO, the bar has been raised.:biggrin:
MiamieNeSeX said:
Did someone mention a "BAR"?

Only for the "younger crowd":biggrin: Some of us had trouble keeping up. Nice meeting you by the way, prepare for my arrival in Miami in few months.:biggrin:
great job Se region!it was pure genious to have the "father" of our nsx present.I loved the whole Japanese contigent,it really was touching to hear thier feelings and feel the love for a machine of such high caliber.
Donna and I want to thank all the SE Committee members for putting together a great NSXPO, the long hard work you put in shows; it was flawless and fun, thanks for letting us join in. Gil :biggrin:
Masha and I also enjoyed our 3rd straight NSXPO. We very much appreciate all the work that goes into allowing us to enjoy our vacation. Looking foward to OH. Never thought I'd say that :tongue: .
Jesse and Masha
To everyone who hasn't been to an NSXPO, you missed the widest range of incredible cars like: the 700+ whp type R lookalike (Mark Basch will be talking about that ride for years to come), another 500 whp turbo car (that took the last 1.5 years to build), a home fabricated (super high quality) intercooler beneath a 1st generation CTSC, crazy wide-bodies with 6" lips (sounds like a buddy of mine's girlfriend), a CTSC'd Zanardi, 21k mile 1991's, Hugh's 173k mile Charlotte, Mr. Uehara riding in a NA1 while it broke 60K miles, supremely polished engine bays, an awesome widebody with Brembo F1 brakes bought at a Secret Service auction, a car actually there from Hawaii, doing Saki shots with Mr. Uehara and his friends from Japan, and on and on ...

If that is not enough to get everyone who gets on Prime to go to Ohio next year, you can't be a real NSX fan! This was my first and I won't miss another one.

To those who put NSXPO together this year, I congratulate and thank you for a truly awesome experience!
I have to say that when I showed up on Thurs I was disappointed(there were only around 15-20 cars at the hotel) and I almost didnt come back. But I had so much fun Sat night that I cancelled my Sun plans so I could spend another day with my NSX bretheran. Great job, I had a blast:smile:
Yes, another great event! I didn’t want it to end and can’t wait until Ohio.
The fun started in Sebring with meeting some new friends and joining some old ones. We had ample track time on a historic track. I went through 65 gallons of fuel in 4 days and gave 25 rides to different people including my three students. Two people asked me to slow it down so I brought it to a 100% grip, I remember thinking how good the car was working because it still seemed fast. One of the passengers was laughing so nervously loud that it was actually distracting but I didn’t want to bring him down. Because of budget constraints I was running the OE brakes and went through a new set of front race pads over the weekend (Cobalt VR). The OE brakes were challenging in this car, as the car pulled into 5th gear before turn 1, 7, 10, 15, and 17.

Then we trucked to Daytona to get a track tour, I have driven this track a number of times but I wasn’t going to miss hanging out with my friends. A number of us took the Pit-Stop Challenge where three people change a Nascar tire as fast as possible. Each team kept besting the previous times of the day, and the Chicago team beat the all time record. We then checked into the Orlando hotel where they had an open bar every day during happy hour. Did I mention that we drank every day for 10 days? I haven’t done that since college.

The next notable activity was the go-cart racing. At first I was disappointed that we didn’t have the customary NSXPO competition carts with transponders, but the racing was a hoot anyway. Very slippery with drifting and banging. We did eliminations all night until only two drivers remained. I want to add that like any other competition I play to win, and things were going well until another team executed their superior plan of blocking me from victory… rooked at my own game. The last two drivers Ben and Scott were told to pick a blocker (A driver to aid in their victory) Ben instantly picked me “Shake & Bake”. When Scott came back from his previous victory celebration he was told he needed to pick a driver, he also immediately said my name… I was proud to be picked, until it dawned on me… what makes me the first AS&H@LE that comes to mind? Anyway we went to battle and my only objective was to frustrate Scott until he blew a gasket. I hugged the inside where the grip was the best so that he was forced to pass in the sawdust covered slippery part of the track, I then used my momentum to push him off the track into pits and quickly sealed off the exit with the perpendicular of my cart… I could barely hear the victorious sound of the race slipping through Scott’s fingers over the teapot sound bleeding from his ears. Of course Ben had no trouble with straight arming Vaughn (The mastermind behind the blocking that took my easy victory)… back to Ben toying with Vaughn like he wasn’t even on the track. I think we won by 7 or 8 laps but they gave the victory to Scott out of pity. I mentioned the drinking didn’t I?

Later that night we went to a bar name Howl at the Moon, where we resumed the margaritas and had a great time listening and viewing a comedic concert. I think we likely had an unusually good collection of girls doing audience participation parts of the act. After hunting tattoo parlors and breakfast we made it home around 2:40 am.

The next day was relaxing at the pool with more socializing. When Shigeru Uehara arrived at the hotel I was honored that he wanted to see the unique mods to my car.
Friday morning we had a 40-60 mile police escort to the Kennedy Space center where they stopped all highway traffic for our group. It’s a pretty spectacular sight that I have never seen before. I bet this pissed a lot of people off. A Corvette must have passed the barricade because as it passed me and the rest of the NSX’s, one of the motorcycle cops got off his bike and stood in the middle of the road and forced the car to pull over. I don’t know if he gave him a ticket or just a verbal thrashing. I decided to take the racecar so I was a little concerned for the trip back without an escort. The space center tour was good but the best part was the eagle experience. Our bus driver mentioned that we were coming up to an enormous eagles nest that had been used by eagles for 30 years. As we passed the nest he spotted an eagle perched on a telephone pole. We were all excited to see the eagle so close but as we passed he launched into flight and flew at about the same speed as the bus for us all to see through the large windows. The eagle slowly descended as its talons came out and pounced on it’s pray (A white bird). This all happened like 10 feet from the bus in the middle section of the bus, I think four people caught it on camera.

That evening Peter Cunningham and Shigeru Uehara gave speeches at our dinner, Peter mentioned the eagle story and noted this was like life where the predator consumes the prey. I couldn’t help thinking that this accurately described our two road racing careers. That night a small group of about ten of us went to the bar to talk racing with Peter. This was a great opportunity and was a fun glimpse of his dry sense of humor.

Saturday was the vendor day in the hotel parking lot, I got to meet more people I knew from Prime but had not yet met in person. One of the vendors was Makes & Models magazine who had a couple of models to take some memorable NSX pictures with. At one point the photographer asked me and another driver to take the models down International drive for a moving photo shoot. He picked the two most outrageous cars so I asked if he wanted any action… of course he said yes. Wow I don’t normally need an excuse to show off but this was almost like an invitation. I helped the model strap in (All 6 points), then buckled in myself. I put my first beer on hold as the two don’t mix. I proceeded to stop traffic outside the hotel and marked my territory with rubber. A number of people asked if I lost control during the first donut. I won’t lie. Yes, kind of. My first part of the shameless display of attention was a high rev drift but changing directions in a rear engine car is hard because it wants to snap. So yes the car snapped without asking permission but it was something I expected so I went with it and controlled it. The model in the passenger seat was verbally excited… I couldn’t imagine matching that same excitement inside the hotel. (Or at least not in writing) After parking and walking through the parking lot I heard “ Cunningham’s autograph was nice but yours is awesome” knowing he wasn’t talking about celebrity status I looked over with confusion so Milid and Tony showed me a picture of the markings that came from my tires. Cool, it was sort of artistic.

Earlier that day we had a tech seminar in one of the conference rooms, some interesting discussion but we only scratch the surface of what could fill a week worth of information.

Saturday evening we got to hear some stories from Derek Bell, what a fortunate and talented driver. The auction and raffle was interesting and better detailed on another thread. I purchased a couple of race steering wheels to get signed by Shiguru, Peter and Derek. One for my office wall and I donated the other for the auction.
Sunday we went to the Fantasy of Flight museum and airport for a group picture and lunch. I was planning on skipping this event but I knew of at least 10 cars that did the same, so I decided to unload both my cars for the group picture and concourse. I was surprised that more cars attended then I originally thought. I had to be at work the next morning so my time was limited. I didn’t get to here the concourse results because the schedule was changed for after lunch instead of before. Normally the results are shared while everyone is together after the meal.

I may not have the racecar next year but I will still have an NSX and plan to see you all again at Mid Ohio.

If you have eagle pictures or pictures of my International dr. shoot, please post them.
RacerX-21 said:
Wow I don’t normally need an excuse to show off but this was almost like an invitation. I helped the model strap in (All 6 points), then buckled in myself. I put my first beer on hold as the two don’t mix. I proceeded to stop traffic outside the hotel and marked my territory with rubber. A number of people asked if I lost control during the first donut. I won’t lie. Yes, kind of. My first part of the shameless display of attention was a high rev drift but changing directions in a rear engine car is hard because it wants to snap. So yes the car snapped without asking permission but it was something I expected so I went with it and controlled it. The model in the passenger seat was verbally excited…

All I have to say is you have cojones to do a donut on I-Drive...crazy to watch..anyone film this or get pictures please post, glad it was in the hands of an experienced driver...I don't think its too far fetched to think that may be the first time ever someone has done a donut in the middle of I-Drive during the daylight...may be the last...until NSXPO is in Orlando again:biggrin:
RacerX International Drive signature!

RacerX-21 posted: "I could barely hear the victorious sound of the race slipping through Scott’s fingers over the teapot sound bleeding from his ears. Of course Ben had no trouble with straight arming Vaughn (The mastermind behind the blocking that took my easy victory)… back to Ben toying with Vaughn like he wasn’t even on the track. I think we won by 7 or 8 laps but they gave the victory to Scott out of pity. I mentioned the drinking didn’t I?"

Now Rob, I recall seeing Ben securely pinned to the inside wall on the straight just past pit out by Vaughn as I passed must have been checking your fingernails again while that was going on...

I think that final will go down as the most entertaining in NSXPO history!

BTW, the "drift display" on I-Drive was epic. Nicely done!
First, let me also take my hat off to the NSXPO 06 planning committee for an incredible job! Very impressive especially with the speakers Peter, Mr. Uehara and Derek. Just to meet them was a once in a lifetime opt. Having been on the planning team in 02, I know the effort that goes in to an event like this... As far as I'm concerned, the event went off flawlessly!!

Second, Rob... your memory is just pathetic when it comes to events where you lost to better talent. For instance, you failed to mention the team where you met your demise was the team I was on and the fact that our team had two ladies(out of four) both of which out drove you to win spots in the next higher level. Now it's true you were the AS&H@LE that Ben picked first, and Scott did also request you, but it was because those guys didn't know my name! As in Scott's response: "Ok then, I'll take that guy, he can drive!" What can I say, I'm relatively shy<g>
Now Ben was a good driver and I couldn't catch him after he got by the first time I took him out. But as Scott points out, there was no "toying with Vaughn" I just waited patiently until the next lap before I took him out so Scott could win the championship.
Now, just to add insult to injury here. Rob did not make mention of a separate Putt-putt golf tourney/show-down on Thurs night. It was a simple winner take all bet, where the looser would have to shave his head. Well, since we are both pretty proud of our hair (although some of us have more than others) we decided to play where the looser would have to tattoo(temporary ink) the victor's name on a visible body part. Needless to say in all Rob's efforts, he again came up a couple strokes short. I only wish we would have found a tattoo place that did temporary ink.;-( I guess I felt a little sorry of besting my good friend twice in two nights.... I should let him win from time to time...haha!~
I forgot about the golf game… and how much you play with your putter.
Lets not steal this thread:wink: , if you feel the need for a thrashing make a new thread and edit a link to it.

TampaBayNSX-R said:
Now Rob, I recall seeing Ben securely pinned to the inside wall on the straight just past pit out by Vaughn as I passed must have been checking your fingernails again while that was going on...

I think that final will go down as the most entertaining in NSXPO history!

To be continued next year…
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Thank you for a wonderful event. Janet and I had a terrific time and enjoyed meeting so many of you for the first time and saying hello to friends from 2004 NSXPO and other NE events.
I will be looking forward to seeing you all at NSXPO 2007. Too bad we can't borrow the weather.