Thank/Honor a Vet Thread

28 March 2002
My dad - WWII Army Air Corps - 18 months in Japan


My brother-in-law (USMC "lifer") - Afghanistan 2009 and 2010

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One day this summer I was rock climbing with a friend who had flown
medevac helicopters in Iraq. We were climbing in 103°F heat and I asked
him what it was like to work in Iraq in the summer. He said the cabin temp
gauge only went to 51°C (124°F) and on some days it would be pinned.
He'd be wearing body armor while piloting. You can't absorb water fast
enough by drinking in those conditions so the medical team would have
him set up with IV saline while flying. The jet pilots wore chiller suits in
the heat but they take time to set up and medevac flights have to leave
with no advance notice.

My dad served in WWII, stationed in Arizona as a weather forecaster
in support of military aviation:

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Today i honor my friend Rick Albanese, a marine corps veteran. He passed away yesterday after a ~3 month battle with cancer. He was 51, and whilst i don't know how long he served, i know his wife met him 20+ years ago when he was a marine in San Diego. He was a proud marine, and may he rest in peace.
A huge thankyou from us,for all those serving and who have served....we rest peacefuly at night while our men and woman in arms sleep with one eye open,in tough conditions,not knowing who our enemy is.