Texas ranger Joke.

22 January 2003
A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when they hear
a voice call from behind a sand dune.
"One Texas soldier is better than ten Iraqi ".
The Iraqi commander quickly orders 10 of his best men
over the dune whereupon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence.
The voice once again calls out "One Texas soldier is better
than one hundred Iraqi ".
Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the
dune and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of
battle, again silence.
The Texas soldier's voice calls out again "One Texas soldier
is better than one thousand Iraqi ".
The enraged Iraqi commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the dune.
Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as
a terrible battle is fought.... Then silence. Eventually one badly
wounded Iraqi fighter crawls back over
the dune and with his dying words tells his commander...

Don't send any more men...... its a trap. There's two of them".
lol... i heard that joke but set in afghanistan... i've been wanting a copy of it. thanx!

here's a lame, but up-to-the-minute joke:

<B>Saddam's son Uday went shopping
and came home carrying all the shopping
in his bare hands. Saddam surprised at
this said,
"Uday why are you carrying all the
shopping in your hands?"
"Because there's no Baghdad"</B>
Shit: Through the eyes of the Military

*An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 pound pack on his back, 15 lb. weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is shit!"

*An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 lb. pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "This is good shit!"

*A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 LB pack on his back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 miles to shore, crawling through a swamp and marching 25 miles at night past the enemy positions, says with a grin, "This really is great shit."

*A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 LB pack on his back and a weapon in both hands after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this shit."

*The Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? What kind of shit is this?"
hey guys, thanks for reminding me of these jokes--oldies but goodies that i had completely forgotten.

a female navy (ex-navy) colleague was just joking about the old acronym for female navy personnel. The navy called them WAVes. So the joke was that the men would go around saying "I joined the Navy to ride the WAVes". Eventually, the navy decided that to be PC and try to eliminate this sort of comment they would rename their female personnel. They changed the acronym to Women in the Navy--WINs. So now they join the navy to ride the WINd.

Maybe they'll get it right eventually. :D
LOL ... huckster, changing that name sounds like a lost cause. :)

Another small piece of military humor i recently read was in Gulf War I the soliders modified HUMMV's for desert conditions, which were then called DUMMV's (pronounced 'dumm-vee' for n00bs reading this)

...pretty amusing... almost as funny as the B-52's nickname of B.U.F.F -- i laugh when TV reporters say it stands for "Big Ugly Fat Fellow" when we all know what that last 'F' <I>really</I> stands for... :D
ajnsx said:

lol... you're half-right -- that's if the B52 is out of wedlock though. :p

ok...a bit hint... it starts with F, has four letters, is really really rude, and is the staple diet of modern rap-songs. :)
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