testing ScienceofSpeed website

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
I'd appreciate if I could get some feedback on my site. I've received reports that some of the pages don't work in Netscape. I have the latest version, 6.2, that appears to work (although sometimes the formating isn't as perfect as in IE). If anyone with Netscape could view the site, and let me know on this topic if they see the pages not working. In specific, here are some pages that were reported as troublesome:

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info

Both pages do not display in Netscape 4.78, but work fine in NS 6.1 and IE 6.0.

You are probably missing a tag somewhere in the HTML code.

It is always a good idea to be running the newest version of a browser to ensure the best compatibilty.

Which reminds me, time to update to NS 6.2!

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!

[This message has been edited by NetViper (edited 30 November 2001).]
Thanks for the testing guys. Older versions of NS are ridiculously touchy on perfect formating in the code, so I'm not going to be concerned.

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info
Hi Chris! I see two problems:

There is a missing tag name on line 72. It currently reads "< src=..." but should be "<img src=..."

The other problem is: there is a little bit of funky-ness going on with the tags between 180-216. While the tags appear to be balanced, they seem to be out-of-order (FORM tag specifically).

Fixing these two problems will allow the page to be displayed correctly in NS4.x. If you need more info, just send me an email - I'll be glad to help.

Oh yeah: Great site!

[This message has been edited by Ojas (edited 30 November 2001).]
Neither one works in 4.79 but you know that already. Sorry for the late contribution.

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Originally posted by ScienceofSpeed:
Thanks for the testing guys. Older versions of NS are ridiculously touchy on perfect formating in the code, so I'm not going to be concerned.
-- Chris

I for one would appreciate the fix. Thanks to AOL, the current versions of NS suck huge IMO, so at home I still use a pre AOL version. I swear they screwed it up just to make their own crap look better.
You are not required to use the AOL browser, you can download a real browser (like IE) and run it while your AOL connection is active. Then again, this time may be a good one to check out another ISP (hasn't AOL jacked up their rates *again*? I hope to bring the site up to at least IE 4 / NS 4.7 spec soon when I have the chance. I've had zero luck in my web career at trying to address 100% of the quirks of the browsers AOL has done a jack job at coupling to their application. Truly a lesson in 'superior marketing, inferior technology' (let another AOL promo-CD in the trash tonight).

-- Chris


www.ScienceofSpeed.com - Click for more info

[This message has been edited by ScienceofSpeed (edited 01 December 2001).]
I'd be interested to hear recommendations for ISP's other than aol. I'm very unhappy with aol, but don't know enough about the others available to make a choice.Aol came with the computer, so that's the one I use.My local regional phone company has a DSL
offer available, are they usually pretty good? Thanks
Originally posted by NSXLNT:
I'd be interested to hear recommendations for ISP's other than aol. ....My local regional phone company has a DSL
offer available, are they usually pretty good? Thanks

I would highly suggest dumping AOL and going with some type of broadband connection. Personally, I dont know how I ever got along without dsl!!!