Test Driving NSX's

5 June 2006
Metrowest, MA
I will probably be making a road trip within the next month or so to look at some of the 2002+ NSX's that are for sale in the NorthEast area and having never owned or driven an exotic, I don't know what the protocol(s) are. For dealers, does the salesperson always ride along or is it okay to test drive with my girlfriend? Do they need to do any sort of background check, deposit, anything of this nature in order to see if I am qualified? Should I call ahead and arrange for a test drive? Anything else I should know to do/not to do? Is there anything different about a private party sale? Thanks in advance for your advice.
Way to be prepared.

I would call ahead- make sure the car doesn't have a contract on it, and let a salesperson know you are coming. Appointments are more professional than just "dropping in"- you will probably be recieved better.

Many Dealers have different proceedures as far as the test drive ride-a-long, some require it, some don't. In most of the cases where the dealer has allowed a solo test drive it is because the customer is known to them, and there is an established relationship, or a significant deposit / contract on the car in question.

Dealers will likely have a different proceedure for allowing a testdrive on an NSX as opposed to say... a TL. It is a good idea to anticipate it, and prepare for it.

Again, always good to call, and understand that particular dealers expectations, and let them know yours- it creates a better relationship. also, NSX's generally are kept in showroom, if you call ahead and let them know you are wanting to drive/buy it, you will have given them an opportunity to get it prepped for your arrival.

Good luck on your search! If you are here, than you are off to a good start.

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