I would have to say your dealer is a little too rich for me!!!!!!!!! I would say 2-2.5 tops. The thermostat should be about at hour, since you have to drain the coolant, which will take loosening a few drain plugs and watching!
The bleed process is about 1/2 hour - 1 hour total. I have done it personally in 20 minutes, a quick drive to warm it up, then topped if off with a final quart.
BTW, I just spoke to Tim at and the thermostat and gasket is under $25. So 2 hours labor @ $70 + $25 = $165. (I also would add about $20 for coolant, 2 gal. @$10, It takes 12.3 quarts 50/50 mix, so you will need two gallons of Honda coolant, so let's say $185 MAX)
Sounds very close to the cost from Soulstice!!
(If the labor rate is $65/hr it would be even closer with Soulstice's quote)
Frankly, if it will take the tech 4 hours, I would be concerned about his NSX experience level.
[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 23 January 2003).]