Tein Flex coilovers

16 February 2004
Just installed my teins yesterday and thought I would post a few pics.Maybe a bit low in the front Nah bit high in the back.LOL !!!
Still with factory skirts too GEEEZ I need to get a New Style Set!


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Any tire rubbing? What size tires are you using? Looks AWESOME!
Come on Stacy!
u build your own side skirts and you don't even have it on your car!!
what going on here man!!!!!! ah ah ah ah ah ah LOL :biggrin:
car looks good but u need to do some work on side skirts!
I m backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
I am running 19x8 and 20x10's.I drove it the other day for about 45 minutes with no major problems.Yes they rubbed turning sharp over a bump.definately not a go fast combination.the front however is dumped pretty low.I also am not running inner fenders(the plastic) as it would definately rip those right out.The tabs off the fenders that hold those plastic inners in are going to get chopped off,that is what I figure rubbed around the corner with a bump.They also rub when turning u-turns on the inner part of the wheel well.I will say again"not a daily driver" thing.I am going to try to narrow my fronts to 19x7's,that should help a bit I think.The 1 inch off the back side of the rim should help the rubbing on the inner wheel well.

As far as side skirts I can't figure out which way I want to go Vented or non-vented.I am leaning towards the non-vented,but want to be sure!!!
Thanks for the compliments !
I still haven't hooked up the electronics but the coilovers themselves weren't too bad at all.Do a search on Prime,I believe there was a thread on it.
F-N Awesome car!!! Thks for having the balls to try the different wheel tire combo'!! It's helping me and others on our choices and fitment!!!! :biggrin:
Also, go with the vented skirts, the stock style looks too thick to me....Also when are you going to design and build your own frontend?? I have margihill sides now, but would consider your vented pieces if you loaned me a pair.hint/hint there are alot of NSX's in the Dallas/Fortworth area..not to mention our buds from Houston/Austin etc... My car is registered for HIN Hot Import Nights in Dallas this August, so let me know. I am getting ready for the show!..thks Brent 817-269-3839 :cool:
Thanks Brent
As far as the skirts,I am going with vented.I just left the bodyshop 5 mins. ago,it seems they are having a hard time matching the colour.I was suppose to be posting pics friday,but it will be delayed until I can get the colour right.Do understand that the skirts do need to be fitted by a bodyshop!
I personally am not a bodyman and had mine fitted and prepped in 6 hours(ready for paint).
I will be in touch with you.