Technology as a security blanket

9 June 2004
Lately I've been thinking about not only my reliance on technology but also on how knowing that I have technology affects my decisions. For example, it's hard to believe all the stuff I used to do without a cell phone. Now if I go to the grocery store I'll feel weird if I have forgotten my phone on the charger or something. I think "what if something happens?". Those thoughts really never bothered me before I had my cell phone. Now they do. Another great example is the internet. I am willing to tackle almost any "do it yourself" challenge because I know I have access to the internet. I guess I subconciously think "if something happens I can somehow use the internet to bail me out - or help me solve a problem". I'm much more gung-ho knowing that the internet (or Prime) has "got my back" when I'm working on a project. ;-) Although, ultimately it seems that technology can be a double edged sword. I think that technology can instill a false sense of confidence because we either don't a) understand the limitations inherent in the application of technology or b)we think can outsmart "life" with technology. Just some random musings on the drive home from work...