Tech Question

12 March 2001
Does anyone know if there is a way to send MP3 files from a PC to a home stereo. I would prefer to do it wirelessly if possible. I have checked with local shops and no one seems to feel it is possible at this time. I would also want to have the ability to set up a monitor next to my stereo to use for choosing which song to play. I checked e bay and found one auction that sells what I would need but I think it may be a scam.
Thanks in advance
Seems to me that you could just output from your sound card into a non-preamped input on your amp. Quality of the sound will be dependent on the quality of your sound card. If you want wireless, you can put a dedicated PC with the sound card next to the stereo and control it wireless over your network (best sound solution. We did this in our house. We used a mini-ITX platform (cheap) with a good sound card. The MP3's are stored on a server.) or get one of those FM transceiver setups used for wireless home speakers (sound quality is FM quality).
After doing a lot of web searching I think that buying another pc is the way to go. I am not super concerned about the sound quality as I all I am looking to do is use it for background music. Thanks for the advice.